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It's exciting to know that we're wrapping up with 2022. The new year is around the corner, just a few days from now. We are thankful that we're alive to know this excitement. You're supposed to be excited because not everyone who began the year with you is alive today to have this experience. So we thank God for that privilege. And we'll live to see the upcoming year and all it promises. Now, speaking of what the upcoming year promises, have you asked how you can get into those promises? Cause I know you're really expectant of a better year than this one. By the way, what does the new year really promise? Can you be able to tell? Well, if the year promises something, it should be beautiful and exciting cause assuredly, it promises good things your way. And if it does, how can it be harnessed, maximized and used for your advantage? How can you avoid being disadvantaged and victimized as you probably were this year and the past years? Well... I have so...


"Experience is the best teacher" is a saying we hear a lot especially from elders or those who are products of their experiences either good or bad. My aim here is not to argue that popular saying but to propose to you that experience shouldn't always teach you before you learn. Experience is the collection of events and/or activities from which an individual or group may gather knowledge, opinions, and skills. In other words, experience is a feeling or process you undergo that gathers for you knowledge, opinions and skills. This is true and acceptable but I frown at one thing; it being expressed as the BEST. It isn't entirely the best teacher.  Sometime ago, I randomly heard an interesting quote from someone. It says, "If experience were to teach you everything you need to learn in life, you might get old and die before learning everything".  Yes, we need experiences to afford us better opportunities as they are prerequisites for being chosen fo...


Not everyone who is youthful is useful. Yes, I said it. It is what you do with and in your youth that will tell if you're useful or not. Or at least, will be. If you happen to sit and interview a few young individuals, you'll discover that many young folks don't have plans, vision or exciting goals for themselves and how they can contribute positively to their generation. That's why they're engaging in stupid things. This is saddening but true. A youth should be known for his/her usefulness.  Why? Because s/he is at a stage of making things happen. Young people are strong, high spirited, risk takers, filled with much vigor, alacrity and audacity. They have this propelling desire to pursue great things and a wild exuberance for adventure. They are blessed with all these, with little or no choking responsibilities. Therefore, if nothing meaningful can be produced from your life as a youth, then there's a problem. That already tells how ugly your future...


What do you do in the face of pressure? Complain, get bittered, murmur, etc? At some point in our lives, we'll face pressure from family, friends, business/finance, obligations and responsibilities, ability to meet up with life's demands, the temptation to cut corners as to make ends meet, and so on. Truth is, everyone faces pressure and in most cases, it comes in a wrong form with great temptation for us to attempt. But what matters is WHAT we do in the face of it. When friends/peers presents you with a new habit or lifestyle in school, what do you do? When life presents you with an "opportunity" to make money through a means that's never near God's purpose, how do you respond to it? Responsibilities with its burden has put you down and then shakes your mind to reconsider a fraudulent or negative proposal suggested to you, tell me, what do you do at this point? Or maybe you're mentally strained with the notion that you're supposed to be wh...


Last Friday's article was an introduction of the topic; stir up the gift. Today's article however reveals how it can be stirred up. You cannot acquire result in whatever endeavour you engage or venture into without laid out principles or guidelines to get your prospective results. Eventually, nothing will work for you if you don't know how to make it work. So you'll learn how you can stir up the gifts, potentials or talents in you, whether it's working or not.  So, how can you stir up the gift? JUST SAY YES In His words, the Holy Spirit ministered this to me some time ago, " Generations are getting blessed and enjoying the impacts of great men and our fathers (in the faith) because of their yieldness. They yielded to Me and became great blessings." This revived my consciousness of submitting and yielding to the Holy spirit more. I realized that the more you yield, the more He makes you an object of great transformation and lasting impacts.  He ...


God placed gifts, talents and potentials in every human accordingly. So many gems are buried in your inside which won't only bring you fulfilment but also riches. However, it is supposed to be multiplied not buried or kept to return it the same way to the Master. They are meant to be planted in people's lives and yield returns for them, for God and for you. No gift, potential, idea, or talent is a waste. They all need to be expressed because multitudes out there needs that thing you can offer. "For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God" ~ Romans 8:19 The world eagerly await you, so why not you stir up that gift? Do you know that keeping it in is selfishness? Do you know that you trying to hide inside your shell is selfishness? I don't have all it takes is no excuse. You're just being selfish because you are cheating creation. God invested wealth of value in you to give it out to humanity but then...


" What you are emotionally is what you are!" may be too strong a statement to be true, but it's close. We are all such emotional creatures that our emotions can influence every area of our lives—for good and for bad." ~ TIM LAHAYE And that includes our day to day DECISIONS. There are so many types of emotions and they influence how we live our lives and interact with other people. I've discovered that our emotions are responsible for the choices we make, actions we take and sometimes form our perceptions. It is one of the strongest part of man which has the capacity to out rule other important areas of a human being—the  will, mind and body of man. How do I mean? Anger is an emotion. When a person is at a state of anger over someone or something, he immediately responds to that anger hence causing him to do what he never planned doing which often leads to regret. That's if the anger isn't controlled. This also goes for fear. The fear of the un...


A man of God was instructed by God to marry a woman who was a harlot. Despite the fact the harlot got married to this man of God, it didn't restrict her from continuing in her life of fornication and adultery. This was the case of Hosea. God instructed him to marry a harlot purposefully to paint a scenerio to Hosea that the Israelites (God's own people) lived the adulterous life toward God. They belong to God yet had other things in their hearts. In His words to Hosea, God said, "...for the land has committed great harlotry by departing from the Lord". (Hosea 1:2c). The Israelites knew about God but departed from Him. They experienced His mercy, love, faithfulness, goodness, etc.  The red Sea was parted for their sake, they ate food of angels when they had no food, the rock produced water when it seemed hopeless, the strong walls of Jericho crumbled down, they had countless victories in battles against their enemies and many more miracles done for them yet...


Many (even Christians) are guilty of being so engrossed with the luxuries and pleasantries this world gives and get carried away by it only to forget it is temporal.  This is bad especially for a true Christian–born again– because scripture reveals what we are in this world. We are pilgrims, passersby, sojourners... etc. (1peter 2:11). We don't belong here, so we aren't meant to get too comfortable in this world. This however, isn't allocated to Christians alone but every human in existence. The Bible says everything shall one day pass away. (1 peter 1:24). So, while enjoying life and being so loosed to every passing thing, remember that eternity is just a breath away. There are two destinations and definitely you can't miss one. What determines where you'll end is your life on Earth. How you lived your life; if you fulfilled purpose and yielded to the spirit of God, if you propagated Christ, if you made use of God's grace provided for you, if you sp...


Does it mean that comparison can have a healthy form since this blog title indicates "unhealthy comparison"? Well... Yes, it can. And I'll tell you why. Just keep reading through. I'm certain you'll learn a thing or two. First off, I'd love to establish why people compare themselves with others? I'm sure that in one way or another you've compared yourself unconsciously to someone, no matter how confident you are. That's because there's definitely someone that's living an expectation you desire to live–directly or indirectly. Well, humans generically are social creatures. This however, influences our minds to be attentive to other people's thoughts about us, and by so doing, we compare ourselves to them.  This however, is very unhealthy. The negatives of comparison can have great effect on our minds. Measuring yourself up with another individual that looks or seems better than you either in looks or condition in every wise ca...


We live in a world where evil and darkness lurks on every corner; where the devil is tagged the god of this world. The Christians, however, are present here as a Light to distort the works of darkness and captivate lives through the Light of Christ hence translating those in darkness from the agenda of Satan to the plan and will of God for man. I assure you even as it is clear to you reading this article that Satan the devil stops at nothing to frustrate God's children; those who has this Light. Everyone with the seal of redemption is the devil's enemy. He tries to take us down as to quench the Light that's a threat to his mission. That is why you as a Christian need the HEDGE. What hedge exactly? First off, I want you to know this. A hedge built around something especially a very important property is built to protect it from impending attacks and threatening conditions. It is built to keep a threatening enemy from intruding and invading it. A hedge is always b...


What's the first thing that comes to your mind the moment you hear the word "Light"?  A substance that eradicates darkness at its presence? A source that brings illumination like the brightness of the sun?  Or maybe the power supply given in our homes? Whatever definition you give it doesn't really define the meaning of the Light. I mean the true Light. There are lights; with diverse form or appearance but there is a TRUE LIGHT. In as much as every human needs the physical light we see either produced by the sun, the moon, or electricity, every human needs this TRUE LIGHT. You have to know it else your life will revolve continually in perpertual darkness and disaster. This darkness might not be the one you see with your physical eyes but I can assure you that it is the most dangerous. When I talk about the light, I'm not talking about the artificial light like the electric bulb, a torch, an oil lamp, a candle, a fluorescent tube, etc. I'm not even ...


Life is full of challenges. There's no one person existing on the face of the earth that haven't encountered a challenge. It can be financially, academically, psychologically, business wise, emotionally, health wise and counting. There is always something that either keep our hands beneath the chin, racking the brain for a solution or our knees on the ground praying for an answer to surrounding problems.  There's always something that keep us in a quest for solution to our challenges. Literally, every human being is a solution seeker.  Even the wealthiest person existing today has a challenge even with all the influence and affluence. That's a perfect example to tell that money can't answer every problem. So long you have breath in your nostrils and live in a world that can never be void of problems, there will always be something that will try to put you down. However, there are times when our "going" in the walks of life will get tough.  Some...


Zeal is a fervor or tireless devotion for a person, cause, or ideal and determination in its furtherance. It is the driving force and eagerness that compels people to do things they do and even go the extra mile to have that accomplished in whatever sphere of interest. But in this case, we're looking at a godly zeal– a zeal for God and His work. In as much as zeal is good, it is not enough to render acceptable service to God. There are Christians in existence who zealously serve God yet render services to God that irritates Him. (You'll understand what I'm saying after reading this entire article). Not everything done in the name of Christ is acceptable. I remember what my intense zeal for God almost caused me few years back. I served in my local church then but "too much zeal" made me join a fellowship group i wasn't supposed to. It was no where near my place of purpose.  I can't possibly relate the issues about them here but the truth is, som...