It is the driving force and eagerness that compels people to do things they do and even go the extra mile to have that accomplished in whatever sphere of interest.
But in this case, we're looking at a godly zeal– a zeal for God and His work.
In as much as zeal is good, it is not enough to render acceptable service to God. There are Christians in existence who zealously serve God yet render services to God that irritates Him. (You'll understand what I'm saying after reading this entire article).
Not everything done in the name of Christ is acceptable.
I remember what my intense zeal for God almost caused me few years back. I served in my local church then but "too much zeal" made me join a fellowship group i wasn't supposed to. It was no where near my place of purpose.
I can't possibly relate the issues about them here but the truth is, something wasn't right – it wasn't my place of purpose. It got to the extent that I almost pulled out of my church against the will of every one; my parents, my pastor and even God.
Thank God for my mentor then, who never stopped praying and counselling me to have a change of heart because he knew i was literally walking into error.
What was the case?
Zeal without knowledge.
I felt the fellowship served God more than my church and that's exactly what I was seeking; where I could express myself more in service to God. I felt nothing else mattered more (I didn't enquire if the denomination was authentic and if it was the right place for me).
That's the problem many zealous Christians are guilty of.
Zeal without knowledge.
The hunger is there with all its enthusiasm to go extra mile for God but when knowledge is absent, there's a high tendency that we'll make mistakes. We are supposed to serve God by His standards not ours (perceived as right). No matter how zealous and passionate you are about God, if you don't do it right (by God's word), you'll just be wasting time and establishing YOUR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS. (See Romans 10:1-3)
Apostle Paul, when he was still Saul, was a highly zealous man who took up his first religion so seriously (though he carried his zeal over into his walk with Christ after his conversion). He witnessed the massacre of Christians and carried out some of it himself. His zeal made him go the extra mile to have this done. I'm sure he believed he was serving God right based on the convictions of his religion.
Little did he know then that he was hurting the One he thought he was pleasing. (Not believing in Jesus as Christ alone was enough to hurt God, let alone persecute people that did).
Now, let's likened this to today's Christianity.
Sometimes, we think we're pleasing God when in actual, we're hurting Him with our actions and the cause of this is little or no knowledge.
Christians die, fall into error or into destruction and then you hear people question God, asking why He let it happen to them. Some is as a result of ignorance – a christian engaging in what s/he's not supposed to.
You cannot just enter any shrine or fetish place to destroy because you're zealous to go destroy that place. Zeal is not stupidity. Yes, nothing can by any means hurt us as Christians but what do you know about God that feeds your morale to make you do such thing?
Is your spiritual state strong enough to handle such thing?
Are you even led or asked to do it?
Zeal is not enough.
The knowledge you have about God and His word and the strength of your faith is also much needed in this scenario.
Scripture tells of a man called Uzzah who died trying to keep the ark of the covenant from falling when it attempted to fall. By his action, it was evident that he possessed a genuine zeal for God yet God's wrath fell on him and killed him.
This will bring up some questions in people's heart. Questions like: why did God kill this man who had a genuine motive? He was only trying to protect the ark of the covenant. To you, it isn't fair. Even David thought so.
See this:
[6] And when they came to Nachon's threshingfloor, Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God, and took hold of it; for the oxen shook it.
[7] And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there FOR HIS ERROR; and there he died by the ark of God.
[8] And David was DISPLEASED, because the LORD had made a breach upon Uzzah: and he called the name of the place Perezuzzah to this day.
2 Samuel 6:6-8 (KJV)
Dear friend, life is full of laws and principles which we MUST abide by else we'll be victimised by its consequences.
You don't just do things because you deem it fit/right. You have to obey certain laws so you don't get affected whether your motive is sincere or not.
Uzzah died even with a sincere zeal/motive. No man except the priest was supposed to touch the ark of the covenant under any circumstance but uzzah did, with a good reason (keeping it from falling) but wrong application (holding it himself).
Ignorance is indeed expensive and can cost you your life. (Hosea 4:6).
We need to keep "knowing" God's word and keep learning about Him so we don't do what we aren't supposed to do and tag it a zealous work for God.
Follow spiritual laws and principles as it is. Don't try adding or taking out. Remember, it is God's standard. It is He that decides and predict how things should be done not you. Even with so much zeal, maintain necessary boundaries and keep growing from where you are.
That action or step you want to take for Christ may be very sublime and noble but if it's not meant to be done (by you) or doesn't fit in the instruction(s) from God, leave it.
David wanted to build the temple out of love and passion for God but God refused. Imagine if he had gone ahead. That would have attracted God's wrath irrespective of how sincere and highly zealous he was. King Saul failed to adhere to instruction and it cost him a lot. Let's learn to follow instructions.
You don't control God. You are to follow His standards. Go for knowledge. Understand spiritual laws that governs everything revolving round God, spiritual and physical things too, so you don't make mistakes thinking you're getting it right.
Let's be careful. I almost missed it because of this. Don't let this be your story. Calm down and serve God on His own terms and by instructions else you'll be doing some things in the name of Christ and He'll just be looking at you. Avoid self righteousness.
Please note that this article doesn't discourage being zealous for God. As a matter of fact, we need zeal to be consistent and determined in our walk with God and work for Him. The idea of this piece is to inform you that zeal isn't enough but one backed with adequate knowledge and adherence to instructions.
I hope you got the message.
If you've stumbled or made any mistake as a result of disobedience to God's instructions, just quickly ask God for mercy and repent of it. He'll hear you.
Be ready for Him.
Be consistent in His service.
God loves you.
Stay blessed.
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