An eye for an eye is a language used by those who seek justice (a repay) of wrong(s) or evil done to him or her. But in as much as justice is good and in many cases approved even in scriptures, same scripture gave room for mercy and forgiveness.
Unfortunately, many christians take laws into their hands by "wanting their offenders eye for the eye taken from them". They want to equivalently retaliate for the pain, backstab, hate, gossip or any sort of evil done to them in other to satisfy that hurt. But this is contrary to what Jesus preached. Jesus taught two vital measures you should take for any wrong or mischief done against you.
Before i talk on these two keys, I'd love to reveal what the Holyspirit personally taught me from the book of Ephesians on this subject of revenge. He gave a link up of Ephesians 6:12-18 to this subject of discourse.
[12] "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
[14] Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
[15] and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
[16] above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
[17] And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
[18] praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints."
Ephesians 6:12, 14-18 NKJV
The first verse emphatically implies that so long we are alive, there will always be some sort of war or battle but that text made us understand that those battles isn't just physical (propelled by flesh and blood). But some Christians makes this mistake of taking almost everything physical even major misunderstandings with people.
As a child of God, you should understand by now that life is controlled by the spiritual. Everything you see play out today has already taken place in the spirit realm before today. And surprisingly, many things you see play out in some people's lives are influenced by a spirit.
Yes, spirits influences people and most times, they don't realize this. This implies that some offense you get from people isn't sponsored by the person but the spirit influencing the person.
Nevertheless, if you understand this very well, you won't fight back your perpetrators or pay back the evil done to you with evil. You'd use the weapon/armor of God stated in Ephesians to fight back knowing that it isn't flesh and blood entirely responsible but the spirit unseen.
There's what is called 'manipulation' through spiritual host of wickedness and witchcrafty against people. Now, as a child of God who loves and lives righteously, if you practice "an eye for an eye", you've automatically given satan a chance to turn you into a beast, a witch, a wicked soul. He's only making you become like him. But when you fight with the armor both spiritually at the spirits unseen and physically at your perpetrators or haters or enemy, you're allowing the Holy spirit produce character in you.
Secondly, you are teaching that person (the offender) the life of Christ by fighting with the armor. My mentor taught us that we as christians should not take the life or mindset of the unrighteous rather we should give them our life.
Responding to mockery and perceived evil against you only demotes you to their level. You should know who you are and live by it.
As recorded in Ephesians 6:12-18, the weapons you use are: truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, the word of God and prayers.
If you study each of these weapons closely, you'll find that each plays significant roles in keeping you intact in your christian life and walk with God.
Truth: Speaking the truth even when there's a choice to speak lies against the offender or to defend yourself will do you good.
Righteousness: blocks every arrow of hate, bitterness or anger that may want to penetrate your heart in the process.
The gospel of peace: Preaching the gospel keeps you in check. You definitely don't want to be guilty of what you preach.
Additionally, the seed of righteousness is planted in their hearts. James 3:18 says, you sow righteousness when you pursue peace with others.
Faith and salvation: Both are the reason you shouldn't stoop low to their standard cause you understand the life you now live as a new creature in Christ through salvation.
The word of God and prayers is a must as a Christian. It guides your heart and gives direction. Prayer sharpens your spirit to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and be led by Him. Often times, the Holy Spirit leads you to do things that your flesh won't be pleased with, like asking you to gift your perpetrators or show genuine love to your enemies despite the wrong he/she did to you. It is difficult when you do it on your own but seeking help from the Holy Spirit makes it easier.
In conclusion, remember i earlier talked about two vital keys for cases like this taught by Jesus and those keys are LOVE and FORGIVENESS. In fact, love is the ultimate because if you love just as 1 Corinthians 13 demands, you will easily forgive.
Scripture also instructs that we are to forgive our neighbor no matter how many times offended. It also says we should love our neighbor as ourselves. Ultimately, love is the greatest commandment; to love God with all our hearts and then to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Your neighbor is that colleague that gives you attitude at work, that fellow that doesn't greet you or shows you contempt. Your neighbor is your friend that backstabbed you, your sibling that betrayed you, your counterpart that broke your heart. Forgive them!
Having said all these, i end by dropping this quote from Martin Luther King, Jr.
"That old law about 'an eye for an eye' leaves everybody blind. The time is always right to do the right thing."
God bless you.
Learnt a lot