In today's article, i just want to be exact with the key difference you need to know about blending-in and standing-out.
It's going to be a quick one.
Before I became a born again christian, I had identity crisis. I wasn't so sure about myself or purpose (which is something that comes with not connecting with the Creator — God Almighty). And because I wanted to have a sense of purpose, I felt getting approval from my peers will give me that sense of importance and worth. So I began craving attention from everyone around; friends, classmates, family, etc.
As a result of that desire to be accepted, I tried to identify with my peers (irrespective of behaviorial pattern) and all they do. You know, that 'i want to be amongst this people' kind of feeling.
I remember a particular day after school, i followed my friend to a field quite distant from my school to watch school boys play football (of which boys from my school participated).
Though, it was really uncomfortable for me because of how i was trained, i still went on to that field to satisfy the craving of being part of them. Fortunately, someone who knew and recognized me from her car called and warned me to leave that place.
This instance i gave is just a minor scenerio. I know the many times grace saved me from making wrong decisions even though i wasn't born again then. I believe God has always been interested in me from the beginning. (smiles!)
It was after my conversion and as i began to grow in the knowledge of God's word about myself that such desire vapourized. I mean, who would want to pursue an inferior life for a life that STANDS OUT.
As a child of God, I don't really give a damn about what someone else does. I don't care if it's trending or not. I seek what pleases my Heavenly Father which is my standard and I follow it as He helps me.
One of the many benefits of being a child of God is, it disables every distorted view you have of yourself. You gain an identity that surpasses every other identity.
I came to Christ and discovered many things about my life and destiny which is just a glimpse of what is yet to be unraveled. The life of a child of God is so glorious.
Well, let's get back to what the article is really about: The key difference between blending-in and standing-out.
To blend-in simply means to look or seem the same as surrounding people and therefore, not easily noticeable. That is to say that, blending in hides YOU (who you truly are and your potentials). It doesn't afford you the opportunity to be YOU because you want to be like everybody else. You want to be a number in the crowd. Just a number in the crowd.
Tell me, what so special about being a duplicate of what's rampant or trending?
What singles you out as a peculiar, extraordinary person? Absolutely nothing!
Blending-in is like you just being another chunk of mixed cement added to the rest. You can never be noticed. And whatever can't be noticed can't make any difference in life. It can't impact others.
On the other hand, standing out is likened to the decor on the wall, like a beautiful stone added to the mixture to give the building or wall a fine look. When admiration comes, it is as a result of the value and beauty the beautiful stone gives. No one is looking at the cement or throwing accolades at it.
Standing-out simply means to be very noticeable and to be much better than other similar things or people.
In a world where wickedness, evil and perverseness is trendy, showing up by standing out as a light to this perverse world obviously distinguishes you from the norm.
Scripture says, "let your light do shine before men that they may see your good works and glory the Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16).
You standing-out at your place of work, where you live, where you school, where you do business and how you relate with people generally brings much glory to God, so it's not just about you.
The truth is, the world needs light bearers like you and I as christians in this world to show them the way. They don't know the way. Stop trying to blend-in.
You have to uphold your standard given you by God.
Don't keep a boyfriend or girlfriend and have sexual relations with him/her because someone you admire is doing it. Stop compromising on your standard because a friend, course mate, classmate or colleague adviced you or is pressurizing you. Defend your identity and be a light even if it attracts mockery or haters.
And if you're still identifying yourself with the patterns of peers and friends because you want a sense of worth or importance, you're walking through the wrongest path which leads to regret and destruction at the end of the road. Only Jesus can give you a sense of importance, worth and purpose. That is why you must go to Him to refurbish your life just as He did mine.
I've gradually gone through processes of transformation season after season because my life have been given to Him. You're worth more than what you think. You don't need a man or woman to affirm that. You only need Jesus. Come to Him and He'll transform your life.
God bless you.
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