Through scriptures and my personal experiences, I've learned that brokenness is powerful. That one act alone can attract so much. It's all there in the Bible.
The brokenness i mean here is not just about prostrating and rolling on the floor (though it can be demonstrated that way). I say this because it is possible for someone who isn't broken inwardly to exhibit it outwardly probably for show because people are watching.
In as much as brokeness is displayed with the physical act, it should emanate from within. Even scriptures says it."The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit...", it didn't say a broken body. "A broken and a contrite heart — these, O God, you will not despise". (Psalms 51:17).
It is the heart (the inward, the motive) God checks before whatever the body displays.
Hence, brokenness is the state by which you realize you're nothing without God and the act of opening up yourself to Him and depending on Him for any and everything.
It is a state of humility because you have no essence without God in your life and He alone can help you.
Brokenness also shows an intense longing for God and His intervention in any area of your life that is crumbling or has crumbled. It puts you in a state of "Lord, it's you or nothing". It depicts total surrender.
Personally, I've experienced a lot whenever i appear broken before God . The Holy Spirit always drops something with me. It can be a gift, a word, an answer, assurance of His love and presence, His glory...etc. Sometimes, after that experience, I'd receive lots of favour from people. Something must surely be given to me. Wonderful, isn't it?
Having listed a few of the benefits of being broken before God based on my experience, let's look at the power of brokenness based on scriptures.
• Brokenness fosters the ground to receive from God. The Bible says in James 4:6, "...God resist the proud, but gives grace to the humble". Humbly appearing before God (at heart) puts you in the position to receive more from Him. Many are still very full of themselves and haven't learnt to lay everything no matter their status or acquisitions at the feet of Jesus.
If you earnestly desire something from God, you should learn to forget about everything and anything you are or have and lay bare (naked and weak) before Him because only in that way can you get His strength and grace. Outside this, you'll only be resisted by God.
• A person who appears before God broken in heart is not despised. There's no way God can ignore such person. To despise simply means to disregard or ignore. And the antonyms (the opposite) of despise is to honor, cherish, respect, etc.
What does this tell you?
You're cherished and honored by God when you're humbly broken before Him. In fact, majority of times when the Holy Spirit aassured me of His love was at really broken moments before Him.
This characteristic in David was what earned him the name, 'a man after God's own heart'.
God delights in a man/woman that shows Him he/she is weak before Him cause only in that way can God greatly fill such one with His strength.
When you always show that you're nothing without God, He comes and makes you something. When you appear before Him showing you know nothing, He comes and fills you up with more and more.
This is one of the principles of recieving from God.
• Lastly, you see the Shekinah Glory and He'll continuously dwell with you.
[33] The source of revelation-knowledge is found as you fall down in surrender before the Lord. Don’t expect to see Shekinah glory until the Lord sees your sincere humility. (Proverbs 15:33 TPT)
Holy Spirit is very gentle therefore, He doesn't force Himself on anyone. That's why when He sees a very bumble heart, He lavishes so much on such person because that's the kind of environment that can host Him. And trust me, such person will so much enjoy the presence of God.
Additionally, such vessel will always be used by God because his/her heart is submissive to God and His leadings.
My dear friend, choose to humble yourself before God today. In as much as the Bible says we should come BOLDLY before the throne of grace to obtain...(Hebrews 4:16), God also wants you to come HUMBLY before Him to obtain your desires.
Let your heart genuinely desire and long for God.
Even if you're living the sinful life, still go to Him, seek His mercy and call on Him with a broken heart and a contrite spirit and definitely, God will not ignore you.
You really have the word