There are certain ways people fail. The road of failure is broad enough to contain as much people as possible at the same time.
It has never been in God's agenda to institute failure therefore, no person is meant to fail so long he/she is in the covenant of the new testament and the blood of Christ Jesus.
But in as much as it isn't the life of God or part of His agenda, so many still fail. Surprisingly, the mouth can be the gateway to bring it to pass.
Before i unfold what that is, let's quickly see what prophecy is.
Prophecy, in this context, simply means to make inspired declarations of what is to come.
My mentor always say this: "You are your first and best prophet."
By you consciously making consistent declarations about your life and future. You musn't wait for someone in likes of a prophet or man of God to do that for you.
This is very true but even as you make positive declarations about your life, you can unknowingly prophecy failure into your life.
No, you aren't saying things like 'i shall fail or i won't amount to anything'. No one in his/her right senses will do that.
As a matter of fact, the 'right thing' you think you're saying is subtly taking you down. That's why the topic says, 'the subtle prophecy of failure'
Now, here it is...
[18] Your boast becomes a prophecy of a future failure. The higher you lift yourself up in pride, the harder you’ll fall in disgrace.
Proverbs 16:18 TPT
Yeah! It is simply that consistent boasting that can result to your failure.
Boasting can't be done without words.
To boast simply means to TALK with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities.
When you practice self exaltation all the time before people, you are actually creating a path for yourself that has failure and destruction as the dead end. Sooner or later, you'll find yourself there.
New king James version puts the earlier quoted scripture like this:
[18] Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18 NKJV
You know, we make declarations over our lives based on what we desire to play out. Prophecy goes ahead of you before you see the fulfillment. And that's exactly how prideful boasting is. It goes ahead of you to prepare failure and waits for you to come meet it.
In the society, proud people are often not very likable because they always want to exalt themselves and show themselves even at the expense of others esteem and emotions.
Pride and selfishness works together. A prideful person always thinks of himself first and projects himself above other people. And no one wants to be treated as inferior or as lower class.
In scriptures, it is recorded that God detest pride so much that He resist the proud. The proud gets nothing from God because they present themselves before God as self sufficient and God works with people who depend totally on His sufficiency.
God loves the humble and even gives more to them constantly. (James 4:6) [You can read more about this in a recent article: The power of brokenness ].
So, if you think being full of yourself because of who you think you are or what you possess is ideal and even downplay others in the process, you won't go very far.
Because firstly, nobody loves to associate with or help a prideful person. Secondly, you can't have God's backing because He resist the prideful. And thirdly, you're using your mouth and attitude to close divine doors for yourself.
Understand that, no matter who you are or what you've attained, you are to humbly serve. Jesus Christ as the son of God served humanity by putting on mere flesh like us, put up with everything people did to Him and died for us.
[6] who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,
[7] but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.
[8] And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.
Philippians 2:6-8 NKJV
Even God Himself is identified in scripture as a co-labourer with us (His children).
He never leaves us to carry out any task on our own. (See: 1 Corinthians 3:9, Phillippians 2:12-13).
He works for us too. He ensures we are okay and even made us His dwelling place. (2 Corinthians 6:16).
This is to show that no matter who you think you are or a level you've attained, there's no single reason why you should carry yourself in pride and become boastful. God owns the universe yet humble; it's a fruit of the Spirit and it should be found in you. (Galatians 5:22).
You may ask, how does being prideful result in failure or destruction. Well, here is it:
• Pride causes people to reject help they need from others because they don't want to feel vulnerable, loose control, feel weak by accepting help, hence, they try to maintain their sense of self sufficiency. You mustn't be superior to others. Seeking help never connotes weakness or vulnerability. Always be open for help or assistance from others. No man can ever make an island.
• Prideful people always refuse to listen and learn from others. They seldom accept corrections and adhere to instructions because of their self sufficient tendencies and 'i-can-handle-it-on-my-own' mentality. How can someone with such deranged mindset go far in life?
The truth is, there are many things we cannot do for ourselves whether we admit it or not. Being prideful brings destruction by deluding us into thinking that we don't need any help but can do it all ourselves.
These and more are reasons why boastful people end up failing even when they've achieved feat(s).
If you live your life this way, i urge you to repent of it so as to stop killing the seeds you're planting for your future.
Jesus can break that attitude and plant in your His fruit of which humility is part.
Give it up now and allow the Holy Spirit reform you!
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