And that includes our day to day DECISIONS.
There are so many types of emotions and they influence how we live our lives and interact with other people. I've discovered that our emotions are responsible for the choices we make, actions we take and sometimes form our perceptions.
It is one of the strongest part of man which has the capacity to out rule other important areas of a human being—the will, mind and body of man.
How do I mean?
Anger is an emotion. When a person is at a state of anger over someone or something, he immediately responds to that anger hence causing him to do what he never planned doing which often leads to regret. That's if the anger isn't controlled.
This also goes for fear. The fear of the unknown or known—in whatever case—causes people to restrict from the object of their fear regardless of how important or necessary it is for them to confront and engage it.
A man who is encapsulated by fear of the unknown (failures) cannot venture into new projects and assignment or make great strides in life although he knows he should engage in it or at least, supposed to do it.
At that moment his emotion is combating with his mind and if his emotions linger long enough, it then triumphs over his mind.
That's how powerful a human's emotion is.
Why does the scripture tells us to "flee youthful lust"?
Why is it so important to put under subjection the emotions that emanates whenever we get attracted to the opposite sex?
To avoid a bad decision— immorality— and to keep our will and (renewed) mind in charge. No matter how strong willed you are, if you haven't mastered the art of taming your emotions, you'll end up saying these words, "I don't know how it happened. I can't even believe I did this."
This subject matter is very crucial for all both great and small especially young people. Everyone should be taught about their emotions and how to control them as not to make wrong decisions.
I learned that the emotions of young folks between ages of fourteen and twenty four particularly are very strong. That's why young individuals are vulnerable in their exuberance to make bad life time decisions that robs and terminates the good, disciplined life if not properly guided. The devil knowing this takes advantage of their vulnerability and feast on them and their bright future through their unguided emotions.
It is really dangerous to allow your mind and will to be dominated by your emotions. No matter how intelligent, learned or strong willed you are, your emotions can break you and cause a block in your stream of creativity and sense of right decision making.
What do you think that makes a lady go on to marry a man despite the warning signals about him usually with the fallacious thought of changing him? Emotions.
What will make a person take his own life? Emotions (depression).
Why would someone be so limited and subject to another person's idealogy, philosophy or perception that's contrary to God word? Emotions (fear).
Why would a man who vows never to lay hands on any woman slap his own wife? Emotions (uncontrolled anger).
Why would someone keep malice with his fellow man/woman? Emotions (Anger and Bitterness).
Disappointment, depression, sadness, fear, anger, etc always result in making wrong choices if such person isn't guided.
Fortunately, the Bible is littered with words that help us manage our emotions and teach us how to put them under subjection because whether you like it or not, we all get emotional in our journey through life. We are obviously emotional creatures and must encounter it at every point so long we keep dealing with humans.
What matters is that we learn not to make emotional-induced decisions else we regret it afterwards.
So my advice is; if there's a predominant emotional problem you have like fear and anger, work on it. Anger will make you take ill actions because it is very responsive. It acts upon every perceived attack and also leads to other stronger negative emotions like bitterness, hatred, malice, backbiting and more.
Fear restricts you from taking major steps. It limits you and keeps you stagnated, unproductive, vulnerable and timid. Timothy, as a growing evangelist, was a timid young man. I perceive this whenever I read apostle Paul's letters to him.
I saw that his timidity was what brought about these verses, "God has not given us a spirit of fear..." in 2 Timothy 1:7 and "Let no man despise thy youth..." in 1Timothy 4:12.
In 2 Timothy 1:6&7, Paul admonished Timothy to stir up the gift in him and to throw away the fear of expressing it. That's what lead to the popular "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind".
You see why I say fear limits and restricts men. (We'll highlight on this topic more in our next article).
Lastly, if you're an extremely emotional person, you should be really careful because this subject matter affects you more, when not ruled by the Holy Spirit.
When little things trigger your emotions; you easily get offended, depressed, angered, bittered, you should carefully work on and manage them with the help of the Holy spirit and prayers.
I say this because negative emotions does not only make you take wrong actions but also make you loose relationships.
Letting your emotions lead whenever you feel hurt, attacked, neglected, wronged or offended by attacking back has opened a door to drive profitable relationships off your life. People will begin to withdraw from you because of the unpleasantness produced from your untamed emotions.
Don't give the devil a foot hold over your life else it becomes a strong hold. Scripture says, "give no place to the devil...." Your emotions can be a doorway. Guide it.
The Holy spirit helps a great deal when handling emotions. He teaches us positive emotions like forgiveness, love, peace, joy, patience, contentment, confidence and self control. He has the antidote for curing negative emotions.
The word of God also is key. There are guidelines inscribed in it to help us make better decisions, perfect our lives and beautify our interactions and relationships with other people. Go for the Word.
May God purify our hearts and our emotions and guide us to make better decisions in Jesus' name.
I hope this blessed you.
Stay blessed.
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