However, it is supposed to be multiplied not buried or kept to return it the same way to the Master. They are meant to be planted in people's lives and yield returns for them, for God and for you.
No gift, potential, idea, or talent is a waste. They all need to be expressed because multitudes out there needs that thing you can offer.
"For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God" ~ Romans 8:19
The world eagerly await you, so why not you stir up that gift?
Do you know that keeping it in is selfishness? Do you know that you trying to hide inside your shell is selfishness?
I don't have all it takes is no excuse. You're just being selfish because you are cheating creation. God invested wealth of value in you to give it out to humanity but then you choose to keep it to yourself.
You've cheated creation and that's pure sin.
Telling yourself you aren't good enough or fit enough as an excuse shows how selfish you are because the one who gave you those potentials knows what He did by investing so much in you.
This may be way too harsh but it's the truth. He knows you're fit, He knows you have all it takes. You're just self absorbed that you're only thinking of the disapproval or non acceptance you might encounter from people along the way.
Who cares anyway? If the motive be right and it's glorifying God then why should it bother another person? Even if it does, it doesn't concern you. You're just doing what you're supposed to do and meant to do. So, whether others will like it or not doesn't matter one bit.
Don't try to gain approval or acceptance from others at your own detriment.
Let's stop thinking about ourselves and what others may think of us and put out that thing.
The One who gave the potentials will surely supply you sufficient grace to express it to its fullest. All provisions needed to carry out will be made available.
Therefore, let's learn to rely on His grace and sufficency.
Stir up that gift.
Initiate that million dollar idea.
Write that book.
Release that song.
Respond to that innate calling that desires expression.
Take up that burden, idea, solution crying in you.
They are all important.
You may say to yourself, "who needs my dumb idea, anyway?", "who would want to listen or read from me"? blah blah blah....
Well, I do and so does many out there.
Be courageous enough to take the bold step even if it's the first. It will save a generation.
This is just the intro on this topic. Next week's article will hit the hammer hard on the head with. By reading its words, you'll learn how you can stir up the gifts in you.
I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to miss out on it. Stay tuned.
God bless you.
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