We live in a world where evil and darkness lurks on every corner; where the devil is tagged the god of this world.
The Christians, however, are present here as a Light to distort the works of darkness and captivate lives through the Light of Christ hence translating those in darkness from the agenda of Satan to the plan and will of God for man.
I assure you even as it is clear to you reading this article that Satan the devil stops at nothing to frustrate God's children; those who has this Light.
Everyone with the seal of redemption is the devil's enemy. He tries to take us down as to quench the Light that's a threat to his mission.
That is why you as a Christian need the HEDGE.
What hedge exactly?
First off, I want you to know this.
A hedge built around something especially a very important property is built to protect it from impending attacks and threatening conditions.
It is built to keep a threatening enemy from intruding and invading it.
A hedge is always built to obviously keep danger away from the object worthy of being protected.
A hedge signifies that the thing inside of the hedge is of value to the owner. It is like a fence built around a land, house, plantation, etc.
In the same vein, God has a protective hedge for every of His children because He knows that we as His children are planted in a place that threatens us cause of who we are.
So, He put around us a HEDGE.
Nonetheless, the idea of this article is to inform you how to build and keep this hedge around you and family as not to be victimized by the devil– the enemy.
I'll give just one way to have this hedge around you always with explicit explanation to buttress my point more with an example from scriptures.
Ensure you read it all.
When I say, the fear of God, I'm not talking about the fright, phobia, terror, anxiety or dread feeling when things frightens us. I'm talking of having great awe, honour, respect and reverend for God and everything about Him.
This genuine reverend for God does great wonders.
Just stay with me to find out.
Amongst many great men in the scriptures and presently, I'll be talking about Job.
He observed many things that made even God to acknowledge him as blameless in the land. Here's the things I discovered he observed.
•The fear of God which led to living a righteous and upright life (nothing less than God's standard). In other words, he lived right both in the secret and the open. He was not a hypocrite.
He observed true Christianity. Even with all his wealth. Bible says he was the greatest of all the people of the east.
• He carried his household along, ensuring they knew about God. Job would make sure that his family were consecrated. He gave a lot to ensure this was done both with his possession by sacrificing animals and his time (waking up early each time to do this), just so they don't attract the wrath of God upon them. (See Job 1:5)
He wasn't the kind of father and leader to overlook his household's wellbeing and standing with God.
• Job was very devout and committed to God.
Think about it...
Why won't God cover a person who was committed to the very least thing others found unimportant?
Always thinking if God is pleased with him and his family.
I'm sure he never failed in any commitment to God.
• Willing to honour God with his possessions. He was always willing to give God what he has. If he had no such ability, why would he keep killing animals just for atonement?
Why would he acknowledge that God is the giver of blessings?
• Job wasn't after God's blessings, material possessions. If he was, he would have cursed God when he lost everything even without his wife telling him. He'd have turned totally away from God. Job was after God. His heart sought to please God. Even after losing everything called "blessings" from God, he remained.
That's a show of genuine motive for God.
You know...
Many are guilty of seeking God for only His hands. Not all "Christians" are willing to remain with Christ whether in the fire or in the blessings. Be that Christian that has solely pledged his/her allegiance to Christ; smooth or not. Be so "in" to Jesus.
If you haven't attracted God's hedge around you, just simply adopt a genuine fear of God today.
But wait!
I just remembered something you should know.
The serpent (the enemy) cannot touch you when the hedge is found over you.
As a Christian, God's hedge over you signifies a "touch not" signpost on everything about you.
Fortunately, this benefit is extended to those that matters to you: your family, loved ones, etc. This happened to Job.
The enemy wanted for so long to touch job but couldn't. The devil noticed Job as much as God did but couldn't near the restricted area because of the hedge around him and his household.
He needed the permission from God before even laying a finger on Job.
Dear friend, the devil cannot touch you so long you are in the proctective hedge of God as the devil walks the earth like a roaring lion seeking preys to devour. Remember, if the hedge is broken, the serpent will surely bite. (Ecclesiastes 10:8). You can break the hedge yourself. Don't cause your own room.
Attract it the hedge.
Maintain it.
For assuredly, you can't survive long if you don't have that seal of Christ on you.
Above all the points I've made, take this more seriously...
Have the Holy Spirit working in you.
He helps you, leads you, seals you as a child of God and for the day of Redemption. He is the one that shows you belong to a Supreme Being – God Almighty.
I hope this blessed you.
Thank you Ma
ReplyDeleteAll thanks to God, sir/ma. 🙂