It's true that life is like a competition. And we all are like athletes on the track of life running toward our desired destination where we can get our rewards, just as an athlete run on his track in other to win the race.
He runs with the mindset of winning against his fellow athlete; winning to get his reward and to become the pronounced winner above his fellow competitors. There's no human that's without the enthusiasm to be at the top of his game. We all want to win.
But here's the problem,
We relate the competition of the Olympics with that of life; runnning the race of life with the mindset of winning against anyone that's ahead or behind us. This can be in the business world, academic sector, marital status, etc.
We do this especially when we feel threatened and pressured by the success, skills, potentials, accomplishments of others trying to measure up ours with theirs.
If you're this person, I tell you, that is an unhealthy journey you're embarking on.
One thing about unhealthy competition is, it instigates and promotes negative emotions and attitudes like envy, bitterness, hatred, jealousy, arrogance and in many cases, insecurity.
Insecurity in the sense that, you feel you aren't good enough because you're measuring yourself up with the success of others.
Arrogance comes in when you feel (or trying to prove) you're better than others.
Envy, bitterness, jealousy and the like emanates as a result of paying so much attention and focus on other people's lives rather than your own track.
The competition that encourages all these are very unhealthy and may result to depression.
If you want to enjoy peace and make tangible progress in this life, you have to throw away the thought of you being in a competition with another fellow. Even if that person is a blood relative.
You need to understand that In the competition of life, it is YOU vs YOU, not anyone else.
You have to mind and focus on your track, run on your lane and at your own pace. Don't be too much in a hurry in life's pursuit.
Just because your friend, Samuel looks like his making stupendous progress in his business doesn't mean you won't. John your mate, may be looking 10 years ahead of you when it comes to substance and riches but it doesn't mean you're nothing.
The funny thing about life is, we are made differently with different purposes and destinies. And also, life is of times and seasons and every individual must be part of the time and season factor. Please, don't rush yours. Life are in stages, men are in sizes.
I know it's looking like things are working out well for your friends or peers, but stay on your track and run on it not minding who's ahead.
Your competition should be you. It's YOU vs YOU.
YOU vs your past self, your past failures, past achievements, your weaknesses, your inabilities, your ignorance, your ego, your bad attitude and all.
You should be competing with the negative aspects of your life as to become the better version of yourself which God Almighty has predestinated you to be.
Quit looking at others. If you let yourself get pressured by what they've accomplished in their life, you'll end up depressed. And many who makes competition a defense mechanism ends up making those people their rivals in life's pursuit.
Another fact about unhealthy competition is that it causes you to channel your emotional and psychological well being and energy to strategizing how to win against a perceived rival. Defeating a rival becomes a primary goal as a competitor. This can be very nasty for you. I don't suggest you avoid it, I urge you to abstain from this kind of competition for your own well being.
Be patient. Patience is a crucial virtue every human must posses. You can read up one of my articles, That virtue called patience HERE to understand what I mean.
It's assured that you will get to where you're going in life so long you maintain a strict focus on your lane.
Looking at the track of another or busy looking at who is behind or ahead of you causes distractions and lessen your speed.
Run like no one else is involved. Run with you as the competition in mind.
That's a great way to grow tremendously. You might be surprised at the progress you've made and the level you've attained because you're minding your business.
In addition to that, you're only permited to allow the success of others motivate and challenge you to be better. Anything more than that is a NO!
Hope this blessed you?
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