Don't you hate it when you feel depressed, frustrated or fearful whenever you're faced with challenging situations? Financial crisis everywhere, scarcity of cash, economic meltdown and the like, putting you in penury.
Problems ranging from family to personal has clouded your mind, seeking a way out.
Do you know why it's causing you depression, frustration, sleepless nights, fear and despair? That's because you lack trust.
Today's article is targeted on discovering why you don't trust, who to trust and how you can build that trust again to make things work for you. Complaining, murmuring and over thinking has never done anyone good rather, it has lead many to depression, ingratitude, fear, despondency and no hope in view.
But with the few highlights in today's article, be rest assured that you'll get back on your feet, if implemented.
First off, WHAT IS TRUST?
Trust simply means confidence or reliance on a person or quality. But in this case, we're looking at 'trust in God'. Trust in God is simply putting confidence and total dependence on God and His word. Trust is synonymous to FAITH. And faith is the most basic need of a Christian. We can't receive without the working of faith. It is necessary in other to recieve whatever we desire from God. (Mark 11:24). So, when I talk of trust, I talk of faith.
In as much as the scriptures command we trust in God, especially in situations we can't help ourselves with, there are realities that puncture our trust in God, leaving it deficient and inoperative in our lives. Let's look at a few, shall we?
Fear is the direct opposite of faith. It mars our sight from the possibility of our expectations and desires. It restricts us from making moves that may produce result because we feel the possibility aren't in plain sights. Fear is a function of moving by sight which is a companion of unbelief.
According to Hebrew 11:1, Faith is the substance of what is hoped for, evidence of things not seen. Faith (trust) can only be operative when our belief in God's word is strong enough and physical senses aren't dominating.
You don't have to see it or understand it to believe it, you just have to use the lenses of the word and take actions according to the word even if it's alien to our human instincts or understanding. After all, faith without works is dead.
Kill your fears by;
i) Feeding your mind with God's word.
ii) Facing your fears with the lenses of the word by doing the direct opposite of what your fear is displaying before you.
When there's no joy, depression permeates your mind. "With joy shall you draw from the well of salvation..." (Isaiah 12:3). In other words, joy, gratitude, praise is what attracts answers to your heart's cry quickly in times of difficulty and dryness, not murmuring and complaining. So, instead of sitting down to think, complain and feel sorry for yourself, why not sing praises to God and thank Him for the one He's done already. Remember, God's word should remain your lens and hope not your physical senses.
It is wrong to rely on yourself or another person when it comes to having total trust in God. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5). All your heart, it says, not part on your efforts and part on a person.
I can assure you that both will fail you. They're not reliable cause they fail. Only God is be too reliable to fail.
So, having discussed a few of what kills our trust in God, let's look at what builds it.
I think we've discussed this earlier under fear. You just have to build your faith with continuous study of God's word and make less use of physical senses. Additionally, always be in the gathering of saints, the lives and testimonies of others can build and edify you.
Prayers isn't left out. (Jude 20).
The problem with some people is they confide more in man with the idea of the person helping them out without first acknowledging the One who has all the answers. Psalms 37:5 reveals something promising. "Commit your way to the Lord, TRUST also in Him and He shall bring it to pass."
Trust Him, He'll bring your expectations to pass. It can't be cut short.
It changes everything. Even your perception of your present challenges. It gives you a different view on life. Decide to be thankful for every single thing you have and enjoy (because it's a decision). Stop looking at what God hasn't done YET but pay attention to the ones around you and be grateful for it.
It is also strategy to be a bit distracted from your worries.
i) Wait patiently for Him.
"Rest in the Lord, and WAIT PATIENTLY for Him..." (Psalms 37:7).
ii) Put on joy.
"WITH JOY shall you DRAW out of the WELL OF SALVATION".
iii) Allow peace unspeakable.
"...And the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6).
iv) Be of good courage because He's always with you.
"And, lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world." (Matthew 28:20).
" not be afraid nor dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9b).
Let these words encourage you.
God bless you.
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