There is a growing trend in the world today especially in Africa,Nigeria among young men and women to change their skin color. The social media, entertainment industries and advert companies has instilled in young people the fallacy of possessing a lighter skin tone as most desirable and acceptable beauty(looks).
However, the purpose of this article is to educate you on its consequences and to spur you to appreciate your outward appearance by eliminating the mentality of such erroneous perception about beauty.
Bleaching is the use of products, either chemical agents, pills, injectables and peeling chemicals, to lighten or whiten the skin to achieve an overall lighter complexion. This, however has harmful effects on the skin coupled with the fact that it is wrong to alter your skin color.
Why is this so?
The human body has a pigmentation agent called THE MELANIN. The melanin is responsible for the color of the skin as well as the hair and eyes of humans. The melanin is produced in your skin and possesses beneficial advantages. It absorbs UV rays and protects your skin against cellular damages from the exposure to excess sunlight.
Nevertheless, the melanin is produced more in dark-skinned people than light-skinned. That is the reason light-skinned people are likely to suffer skin damages than dark-skinned.
Skin bleaching destroys the melanin through chemical ingredients composed in skin products. Ingredients like hydroquinone, mercury etc.
These chemicals are bleaching agents which are highly harmful to the skin. Mercury on its own causes many disasters to the body. Mercury poisoning can cause numbness, high blood pressure, high sensitivity to light and kidney failures amongst many others.
These agents also cause skin inflammation and diseases such as skin cancer, abnormal odour, stretch marks, poor healing of wounds, itching etc. Some even experience fast aging.
Bleaching your skin means you are exposed to these inescapable consequences.
I am a light skinned person naturally (not so fair). I noticed that i get affected by excess sunlight. It turns me red, causes some irritation on my skin and decreases my sight while under it. This makes me use mosturizing skin products that contains sunscreen to protect my skin from damages from the sun. This is because, as a light skinned person, my body doesn't produce enough melanin to help protect my skin from excess sunlight–only the dark-skinned can produce enough melanin.
So why use chemicals to destroy it?
Have you ever wondered why the whites(light-skinned) mostly have their habitation in cold parts of the world and the blacks in hot places? It is for a reason. The Almighty God as our creator knew what He did!
So, instead of trying to get your skin completely light (fair) with chemicals, concentrate on keeping it healthy and nourished. Get good and healthy skin care products containing natural extracts that will complement your skin. Fruits and veggies are highly beneficial too.
Finally, on this note, You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Psalms139:14. Altering your skin colour isn't acceptable at all as a professing Christian. Our bodies are God's temple meant for holy worship. So its your responsibility to care for God's temple rightly–your body as Christians. 1 Corinthians 6:19.
Don't be affected by the world's trend. Don't accept the world's erroneous concept about beauty and colourism. God made you that way for a reason and He loves you that way. Embrace it!
Be blessed!
God loves you!
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