In last week's article, we talked about how to be sexually pure. However, in today's article, we'll be looking at the consequences of engaging in sexual sins and benefits of abstaining from its practices.
It is recorded in several books of the Bible the repercussions of sexual sins as well as the benefits of abstaining from it. Chapters of this holy book are packed with stories about those who avoided sexual sins and those who fell prey to its deception. However, it is of great necessity to study and learn from those instances–its stories, as to avoid being caught and trapped in the web of sexual sins. Always remember the scripture holds the requisite measures and standards for pure living.
This topic under discourse has caused both physical, spiritual and eternal wreck upon many. That is the reason men should be adamant towards sexual sins and take serious heed against it.
Sexual immorality destroys destinies, visions and dreams of men. It causes those who indulge in it to be myopic or even worst, blinded to the purposes of God for their lives. It makes a total mess of one's life (spiritually and physically) and destroys him. Proverbs 6:26 says, "For by means of a whorish (harlot) woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life".
You play with your precious life and glorious destiny when you involve in sexual sins. (Read Proverbs 6:24-35).
A great man's life was raided without pity because of his vulnerability to sexual immorality. He became a piece of cake to his enemies, unlike before, because they were able to take advantage of his default towards sexual purity. Delilah was a medium for his enemies to take hold of his life and that was how he was stopped. His vision, mission and mandate was seized.
Stop sexual immorality, you are only killing and making yourself an easy prey to be fed on.
A sexually immoral person suffers hardship, shame, unfilfilment, unproductivity, strange occurrences, curses etc. Do you even realise that spiritual transactions (exchange) are done in course of sexual intercourse?
You become one with such person spiritually thereby inherently acquiring curses and demonic spirits from him/her especially when your partner in the act is a sinful person. That's the reason the Bible allows sex in the confines of marriage alone; faithful to only one spouse. (Hebrews 13:4).
Note this: Just as an alcoholic kills his liver and a smoker kills his lungs, same does a sexually immoral person kills his soul and destiny. (Proverb 6:32). He sins against himself(1 Corinthians 6:18).
Apparently, there are benefits of abstaining from sexual sin. Daniel was placed above other governors, Joseph was elevated as second in command of the whole of Egypt. Men who kept themselves pure and chaste enjoyed the divine presence of God which attracted diverse blessings of God upon their lives and sweet fulfillment of their destinies. If Joseph had given in to the demand of portiphar's wife, the divine door that led to his greatness would have been shut. Never think it is bondage to be chaste and pure, because that is one of the pathways to your fulfilment in life. It is better to be bound in chastity than to be bound at the mercy of devil in immorality. Joseph would have been at the mercy of the wife of portiphar; she would have always been in control but he was wise enough to say "no".
Chastity is great wisdom.
Finally, in other to achieve and maintain sexual purity, you have to stop feeding your mind with immoral sights and thoughts. Guard the entrances to your mind. Also break every friendship or association that feeds your appetite for it. Amnon had a negative influence; Jonadab. Jonadab's counsel fueled Amnon lustful desire for his sister, Tamar and he slept with her. But of course, that led to Amnon's destruction. He died!
There will always be consequences (eternal and physical) for your foolish actions. Be wise, chaste, and disciplined. You definitely won't miss hell if you miss heaven and heaven is not a place for the immoral.
Go to Christ and He'll definitely help you through His Spirit in wisdom to overcome. God's will for you is PURITY!
God bless you!
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