It is very saddening to know that many young individuals engage in sexual immortality/activities. We live in a generation where the practice of sexual sins is fast growing and developing without apology.
There are lots of mediums created even through technology that enhances and promotes such vices–the smartphone, computer and various digital technology, making pornography and the likes easily accessible by just few clicks therefore promoting sexual immorality amongst young people even aged individuals.
Despite this, the scripture still commands sanctification, that is, abstaining from all form of impurities both sexually and morally. It is God's perfect will that we be chaste and pure sexually. (1 Thessalonians 4:3)
However, if you desire to be chaste and sexually pure, you can, irrespective of your past indulgence in sexual activities. It is very much possible and the solution you need is found in the word of God through the Holy spirit.
Here are the few measures mapped out from God's word for securing sexual purity.
• A firm decision: "But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king`s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself." (Daniel 1:8)
Daniel PURPOSED in his heart not to defile himself even in the midst of unclean and impure people in a foreign country, a country that doesn't honour God. However, his decision prompted him to make advancement in other to solidify his decision "...therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself". You can be pure and chaste but it relies on your decision and stand on it as a laid principle.
• Guard and control your thought life: In other to win the battle of sexual purity, guarding and controlling your thought life is a requisite measure. This connotes that you control what enters into your mind through your two major sense organs; the eyes and ears. You cannot look at sensuous and erotic movies, books, magazines, internet/media content and be sexually pure. You cannot be pure when you listen to erotic music and coarse jest and jokes. All these affect the state of the mind and distorts it. Sexual immorality begins first in the thought level before its practice. (Mark 7:21-23). So, abstain from all sights and appearances of it.
Also note that entertaining sexual thoughts, watching pornography, erotic movies etc are also considered sexual sins and it is totally unacceptable by God.
•Self-control: Self control is another paramount measure for becoming sexually pure. Having and walking by the Holy spirit produces in you as a believer the fruits of the Holy spirit of which self control is part.(Galatians 5:22-23).
Our bodies will always react and hormones run. It is totally normal to have sexual drives because God designed us that way but our bodies can be satisfied only in the confines of marriage with your spouse. Your ability to remain pure sexually depends on your ability to control yourself and say "no" to such temptations. And mind you, marriage doesn't cure sexual sins. Self control is key.
•Walk with the Holy spirit and depend on His power and ministry as your Helper: Galatians 5:16 says, "walk by the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh". As our Helper, He helps us overcome sexual sins and its temptations. We should learn to rely solely on Him for help per time throughout our lives. Even as a married person, these temptations comes up because they are inevitable but the Holy spirit is always there for you. Fortunately, He'll be here with you until the end of age.
Depend also on His power to help you overcome its addictions if you suffer any.
• Ultimately, you must know and fear God: "You who love the Lord, the scriptures says, hate evil, for he preserves the souls of His saints" (psalms 97:10).
You have to first accept and know Jesus Christ and have Him as your personal Lord over your life and saviour over sin and destruction. He alone gives life and power over sin. The aforementioned scripture says, He preserves the souls of His saints. He is always after your well-being and preservation of not just your body, but also your soul. He is so reliable.
Accept Him, love Him, Know Him, fear Him, depend on Him for life, and you'll never be victimized by the devil. Have His spirit work in you and you cannot be a prey to the schemes of the devil.
Dare to be and remain pure even in this season (the Valentine season) and always. Never believe any lie from anyone to go into any immoral act. Guide yourself!
God's will is PURITY both sexually and morally. Its teaching cannot be overemphazised or overstressed. It is of great necessity to make it known to all people throughout all generations.
Our next article will expose the consequences of sexual impurity and benefits of sexual purity. Stay tuned for next week's article.
God bless you.