There's something I've noticed amongst some christians that Jesus Himself isn't happy about.
And to these christians, what they're doing is the right thing and it's pleasing Jesus but actually, the reverse is the case.
I've seen and heard of people who disdain sinners by staying away from them and making them feel they can never be accepted and shouldn't be around the christians 'clique' because the sinners are 'bad' and we as christians are the 'good ones'.
This was exactly what the pharisees did. They were so law driven that they couldn't stand the 'breakers of the law'. They ensured that any sin associated with punishment would be carried out on the sinner involved.
That was why they were both surprised and angry at Jesus whenever He tells someone, "Go, your sins are forgiven".
Jesus on the other hand was never like that even as God Himself!
He didn't just avoid making the sinners feel they can't be accepted because of their sins, He also visited them, sat with them, ate with them and taught them. He made them feel they could go Him.
Mary Magdalene is a perfect example.
See this:
(Observe the underlined words)
35]"Then one of the pharisee asked Him [Jesus] to eat with him. And He went to the Pharisee's house, and sat down to eat.
36] And behold, a woman in the city who was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at the table in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster flask of oil,
38] and stood at His feet behind Him weeping; and she began to wash His feet with her tears, and wiped them with her hair of her head; and she kissed His feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil." (Luke 7: 36-38).
That scripture reveals it all.
It says clearly she was a sinner of which she understood. However, upon hearing about Jesus in the neighborhood, she didn't hesitate to go meet Him.
Because she knew Jesus had what she was looking for — forgiveness and peace — and she understood that He'll accept her despite all her iniquities.
I'm certain mary Magdalene have been hearing how Jesus sit with sinners, visit them, eat with them only waiting for an opportunity. She found one and made use of it.
Sometimes, we christians are the ones chasing sinners away from Jesus. The way we treat them gives them the impression that Jesus cannot forgive their sins.
The woman knew that she'll recieve acceptance from Jesus. That was why she was bold enough to do all she did for Jesus (weeping, washing His feet with her tears, wiping His feet with her hair and kissing His feet). Jesus never gave a negative impression. That was why sinners freely came to Jesus without restrictions.
(It is the understanding of Jesus recieving sinners no matter the intensity of their sins that makes them go to Him. And their open and repentant heart gave them salvation).
Please, stop treating them with much disdain and disguise as if you were not once a sinner in the world. It was same Jesus that recieved you in spite of your sins. So why should you treat other sinners otherwise?
If we are to imitate Jesus, we are to imitate Him in ALL things including this subject matter.
Here's another scenerio to buttress my point. Read and observe carefully
29] "Then he gave Him a great feast in his own house. And there were a great number of tax collectors and others who sat down with them.
30] And the scribes and the pharisees complained against His disciples, saying, "why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?"
31] Jesus answered and said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.
32] I have not come to call the righteous, but the sinners, to repentance". (Luke 5:29-32).
Jesus didn't call and send you for the righteous alone just as He didn't come for the righteous. He called you for the sinners too — to bring as much as you can to Him. We're here to continue with what Jesus started till He comes again. So don't make the work more difficult with your ill-attitude towards those you're mearnt to save. Jesus is not happy when you do that because He didn't do that when He was here on earth. You actually grieve Him unknowingly when you do that.
Jesus' mission of being close to them was clearly stated out in verse 32, " call them to repentance". To bring them to the light.
And please, I'm not saying you should let the sinners influence you. Relate with them with caution and love at the same time.
In as much as we try doing this (with the help of the Holy Spirit, of course) we must be wise as scripture demands (Matthew 10:16). Wisdom and love should play out in your Christian-sinner relationship. Jesus spent His time with the Father in fellowship, with His disciples in love, and with sinners as well, though limited and with caution.
Wisdom is profitable to direct. Be wise while you win the unrighteous over.
I just hope this article helps in this controversial matter.
God bless you.
A wonderful write up. We are called into the ministry of reconciliation as Christians. Therefore, our core value should be love
ReplyDeleteVery true!! Without love, we can't carryout this ministry of reconciliation handed to us by Jesus Christ. After all, love was what brought about the gift of His coming and salvation.
ReplyDeleteOn point. Impactful
ReplyDeleteAll glory to Jesus. 🙌