"Has God forsaken me, is it that God doesn't care? I've been praying yet nothing is happening." "He even promised me, is it that He doesn't fulfill His promises or too slow to fulfill it?"
These are the many questions people ask their hearts even verbally when things goes haywire in their lives especially after praying and asking God for a solution.
Looking at a story in the book of John 11. It reveals a scenerio that best explains today's article. It's the story of Lazarus.
Lazarus was very sick. The message reached Jesus, and being informed about it, He said the sickness wouldn't end in death. But eventually, Lazarus died. Now the question is, did Jesus lie? That's the question people ask and that's the stage they lose all hope. Humanly speaking, you'd give up hope but that's not the end because He never lies.
The fact is, Jesus said something about the situation but yet it happened. God has probably made promises to you through His word or maybe directly to you. He may have told you that you'll get the result and answers you seek but yet nothing is coming forth.
But I want you to understand this, it's not showing forth at your timing doesn't mean God is a liar. His words are true.
Bible says God honors His word even more than His name. That's how important His Word is to Him.
Now, Jesus came even four days after Lazarus' death according to the story. It was obvious (to the senses of man) that the body of Lazarus had started decomposing, at that time it was already late for Jesus to do something. Cause a body that's decaying...? What can actually be done?
The purpose of the message reaching Jesus about Lazarus' ailment was to heal not to resurrect him. They never expected Lazarus to die since Jesus knew about it and they never expected Jesus to arrive late because of his love for them and the urgency of the case.
Yeah! It was late already but that was for humans. To Mary, Martha and every other person who witnessed Lazarus' death, there was no hope. Nothing can be done.
But amazingly, Lazarus came out of that tomb alive and healthy at the command of Jesus. Irrespective of the timing, the miracle was done. (Four days later).
Now understand this truth, God can never be late. I don't think there's such phrase in God's agenda when doing things. He may not show up at your own timing, He may not show up when it's getting hopeless, it may seem He isn't doing anything but let me tell you today; He's just preparing your answer.
That scripture says that Jesus stayed at the location He heard the news two more days. He wasn't in a hurry as we always want it.
He wields the power to change the situation no matter how ugly it is and is glorified through it. And when He shows up and does the work, it then looks like the problem was never existed. It becomes a testimony that glorifies God, just as in Lazarus' case. Lazarus came out of that tomb like he was never sick in the first place – fresh and alive.
You may be strucked with a great challenge and you've cried to the Lord for intervention, you've told him you need an immediate response but somehow He has not appeared. Or maybe the disappointment especially in the lives of many Christians about the present state of our nation; how we put in lots of efforts (both in prayers and casting our votes) for a better Nigeria, yet we got the opposite.
I'm writing to you to let you know that you shouldn't be discouraged. Definitely, He'll come to our aid. He'll roll out that stone of shame, lack, poverty, sickness, oppression, depression, addiction, pain, grief, and He'll call out your name. You'll come out of that tomb (problem) fresh, new and revived.
Just keep your faith intact, be patient with God, hold strong to His Word and all He has told you. You must know that God doesn't fail nor go back on His Word. Instead of His Word to pass away, the bible says, let the world pass away.
Build your faith. Martha's faith was intact; she believed Jesus would still do something; she was calm but Mary ran out from where she was crying and started questioning Jesus still sobbing. How do I know? Read (John 11:21-27, 32,33).
Just incase you're feeling God is late in bringing to you the answers to the prayers you've been asking for, know that He can't be late. The truth is, He always show up. HOWEVER, THERE ARE FEW REASONS WE EXPERIENCE DELAYED ANSWERS.
He is building you.
Many atimes, God delays the answer to our prayers to either test or build our faith in Him. If you're a believer who patiently waits on God for the answer you seek, He may delay it not because He hates you or slacking to bring His promises to pass or He's a liar, but because He wants to teach you something about Him you don't know or to build in you an unbreakable virtue that will carry you for a lifetime and take you to higher grounds.
Don't be so much in a hurry to see the answers. God sees everything, even things we cannot see nor understand. The wealth, promotion, exposure to a grace you desire, or a particular blessing you are praying for might destroy you if God releases it now and our lovely Father seeing it, may decide to delay it until He has deemed you fit and ready for the blessing. God's ways are far from ours. Let's learn to trust Him.
Equating our timing with God's timing.
The primary problem of human is impatience and as a result of such tendency we have as humans, we equate our timing with God's timing.
"I want it now! It can't wait. If it crosses this particular time, I'll be doomed, finished and done for". You need to put to a halt that thought and saying of yours.
Yes, you've prayed and you believe God for an answer, why not be patient? Scripture says, "But beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord, one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness..." (2 peter 3:8,9). Relax!
Extraordinary things take time to prepare.
To have a very nice meal, you have to take lots of time and efforts to make it tasty. In the same vein, delay to our prayers, oftentime means well prepared answers. Nothing extraordinary comes easily. Abraham waited for years before he could have the promised answer from God (a son). And what happened? God gave him, not just a son, but a covenant son.
In the case of Abraham, all the aforementioned reasons of delay I've outlined played out in his life. Isaac was delayed;
i. To build Abraham's faith and trust in God.
ii. Isaac came at God's own timing which was the RIGHT TIME.
iii. God took time to prepare the blessing the couples long waited for.
And all through this process, Abraham remained patient. See why he was a man of great faith. We should learn from him.
You might say, "It's not happening the way I anticipated, I don't even understand."
When you trust God, you don't have to understand.
"I'm confused and frustrated, I don't know what to do or where to go."
Then I say, trust in the Lord with ALL your heart... In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.
He'll never put you to shame. In this country (Nigeria), in your life, business, finance, academics, marriage, family, career and whatever area you're believing God for intervention, don't lose hope.
He'll surely call you out of that tomb. That impossibility in your life shall overturn for your good.
Just be patient and watch out what God will do.
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