To be an influence, you have to be first influenced.
I'm talking about a positive influence now.
Influencers are simply individuals who their company, materials (writings, books, songs, teachings, etc) and anything that comes from them impact others positively, one way or another.
They have the ability to change perspectives/beliefs, thoughts and decisions. Their impacts bring illumination, solution to a problem, causes a mind shift or a better and healthier lifestyle.
I saw something that amazed me as regards influence.
Peter and John stood before the Jewish high court and spoke before them which left the Sanhedrin astonished. What amazed them wasn't their 'speech' but what they discovered.
"And when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled." (Acts 4:13)
The Sanhedrin saw two things in Peter and John — Confidence and boldness in ordinary people (untrained and uneducated).
The Sanhedrin perceived but saw something greater than their perception. Physically and educationally speaking, they weren't fit to stand before them to speak with so much boldness and confidence but they did.
Education, eloquence of speech, professional appearance gives a certain level of confidence to a person. That's why you see people without these qualifications appear timid and fearful especially when they stand before people with such physical qualifications. But it was an exception for Peter and John.
The big question then is, why the boldness?
The findings of the Sanhedrin gave the apostles out. It informed them where such alacrity came from.
• An influence.
• Knowledge and understanding of who they are and who they represent.
But our focus today is influence. The Bible reveals, "...they realized they had been with Jesus".
Let's say the Sanhedrin had seen them with Jesus before while Jesus was still on earth. It's possible the Sanhedrin might not have recognized the apostles because these men–because of their position – see a lot of people everyday. So, there's a greater chance that they won't recognize the apostles even if any had seen them with Jesus.(Acts 4:5-6).
It was influence that gave the apostles away. The Sanhedrin knew Jesus because He obviously gave them trouble with His deeds and echoes of His great deeds from people in every location.
Despite their refusal to accept the truth, they knew there was something extraordinary and supernatural about Jesus —the way He talked, taught, helped people, feed them, healed them, forgave them and His uncountable deeds.
After Peter and John spoke before them, the high court memebers saw a level of "Jesus Spirit"—of which they possessed — in them. It's just like a relationship between two people. When so much time is spent together, you begin to talk, act, and do things alike. That's what influence can do.
What am I trying to say?
You can change a system, you can shift mindsets, penetrate people's thoughts and affect their decisions. You can change a life positively but a criteria is essential.
I earlier mentioned in the preface of this post that you can't successfully influence someone without first being influenced. But my question is, who is influencing you?
You can't produce anything that can change a life when you don't spend time with the greatest of all influencers — Jesus Christ. Peter was once a coward who couldn't defend his Master before little girls but he stood boldly before high court judges who could decide their fate. Influence!
The apostles healed the sick, raised the dead and replicated what their Master did. Even today, the apostles are still blessing the church with their epistles. Why? Influence of one Man.
Can someone see you and glorify God? Can they say, "I wish to be like you because I love the way you love God?" Can you spur people to live right and ignite a passion in them to live purposefully?
Or you're just teaching people to "cruise" life and be comfortable in their sins?
In a world where people are dying in sin and addiction, they await you and I to show them the way to freedom and the pattern of the perfect life—the life of Christ.
If you aren't showing them the way, then you're failing in your responsibility as a Christ believer.
Your life ought to be the difference they seek and the pattern for living.
The Sanhedrin saw Jesus' aura around them because they had been with Him.
So, dear believer, what aura do you have around you?
Even if you're having character deficit yourself, you need to go to Jesus and spend time with Him. He'll first influence you in such a way that others can't ignore you before it can be transferred.
Jesus has so much influenced me and my desires that others can't help but notice it. He's literally a world I live in.
Let His influence on you grow and supercede that level.
Allow Him influence your thought life, your perception, your decisions, your character and lifestyle. The way you talk, act and behave should tell you're always with Jesus.
Spend time with Him feeding on His word, praying, listening to Him. His peculiar life will surely rub off on you.
This is simply the best way to become a great influence on others.
His works should be evident and found in expression in and through you. Besides, His word says, you shall do greater things than He did. (John 14:12).
We'll be having a series on the 10th to 14th April that will break this topic in bits for better understanding. Anticipate.
Accept and follow Jesus to influence your world.
God bless you.
More grace to you sis
DeleteThank you.