1 chronicles 4:9
And Jabez was more honorable than his brethren, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, "Because I bare him in sorrow".
It is my innate desire that children grows aright according to what God has predestined for them to walk in as to fulfill their purposes on earth and bring glory to the Father; their creator.
Therefore, one factor should not be neglected for this to take place and that is the names children bear; names given to them by their parents.
1 chronicles 4:9, talks of a young man with a great destiny; destined for greatness. He was more honorable than his brothers yet his life wasn't really producing sound results because of his name; Jabez. Meaning "I bare him in sorrow"
The name given to him by his mother kept speaking against him. It hindered him from prospering in all things as he should. It somehow affected his destiny.
Without a doubt, this is considered true because I find this as the experience of people even myself.
It is paramount that any parent naming a child or children should ensure that it is in correspondence with God's will for their lives and what should play out in their lives. It's meaning should be seriously studied before giving it a thought for the child.
A name was given to Joseph and Mary before the birth of Jesus because He was destined to bring salvation to the world, therefore the name that was in similitude with His destiny was given. This happened in several occasions in the Bible, even with John the Baptist.
Adam was given the responsibility to name all the animals God created and as he named them, God honoured it. God as the Almighty never changed anything or any name. Whatsoever Adam called each animal, God agreed that it was the name ~Genesis 2:19. Adam even named his wife; the first woman and mother of all living. He called her Eve~Genesis 2:23 & 3:20.
In all these God never changed any but honoured it. That's the power God gave to man.
This is why it is important parents be careful of the names they give their children because God Himself will honour it and it will speak on that child's life.
What many are suffering today is the name they bear just as in the case of Jabez. Jabez had to pray to God before the effect of the name was changed.
Irrespective of the meaning of the name, it will still speak and God Himself won't changed it until the man Himself decides to.
Moses was given an Egyptian name even as an Israelite yet God kept calling Moses by his name; He never changed it.
You see!
So, dear parents/guardians, you shouldn't name your child based on your experience with him either it be good or bad. It should be in alignment with God's will and purpose for him. Just as God brought the animals and even the woman under the authority of Adam to name, so will He give you that child He has brought under your authority and care to name; it's just your responsibility, therefore, never do it outside God's will who has all authority over all.
Remember, a name is part of the tools that shapes a destiny.
If you have contributions to make on this subject, kindly drop it at the comment section. We'll be happy to learn from you.
God bless you!
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