There are certain ways people fail. The road of failure is broad enough to contain as much people as possible at the same time. It has never been in God's agenda to institute failure therefore, no person is meant to fail so long he/she is in the covenant of the new testament and the blood of Christ Jesus. But in as much as it isn't the life of God or part of His agenda, so many still fail. Surprisingly, the mouth can be the gateway to bring it to pass. Before i unfold what that is, let's quickly see what prophecy is. Prophecy, in this context, simply means to make inspired declarations of what is to come. My mentor always say this: "You are your first and best prophet." How? By you consciously making consistent declarations about your life and future. You musn't wait for someone in likes of a prophet or man of God to do that for you. This is very true but even as you make positive declarations about your life, you can unknowingly prophecy failur...
...channeling young minds and lives the Christ way.