He left the track. He missed it. What was after his soul finally took him away and caused him to go off course.
Too many distractions and fancy, alluring activities in this fun fare world we live in are being presented to us on daily basis.
This same world took Demas out of track which made him abandon God, his mentor/spiritual guide, and his purpose.
"For Demas, having loved [the pleasures of] this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica...."(2 Timothy 4:10 AMP)
As a steward of Christ under apostle Paul, Demas served God and the church but on the long run, he fell in love and got carried away by it like a young man who went in with a prostitute.
Now, check yourself... What made you forsook God and His ways?
Is it because of your new clique of friends, the new environment you find yourself? is it money, relationships, social media and trends, or church activities/religion (Yes, you can be engaged with church yet Jesus is ignored in your life).
Even your routine can be the reason for ignoring God. I noticed that I've been so caught up with school and other activities that I somehow drifted from my personal fellowship with the Holy spirit. My time with Him and focus on Him dropped as a result of other activities.
However, I want you to understand this: The littlest things like, paying attention to that friend who always wants to engage you in frivolous discussions and gossips can tilt you from God. It starts from those things we call 'nothing'.
The devil comes to prey on that broken, compromised boundaries that secured your fellowship with God and then magnifies it. From paying attention to your friend to following him/her to unnecessary places, then meeting up with his same friends who are uninterested in God and boom!...your fire and love for God dies.
What about your daily routine/schedule that has no tangible time for God added to it?
These and more are the reasons people fall away from God.
About your purpose; what God brought you to this earth to do.
Anything or anyone that takes your attention away from your purpose/assignment is a distraction no matter how good it may seem.
For the fact others does it doesn't make it right for you. Apostle Paul explains this in one of his epistles: "All things are lawful [that is, morally legitimate, permissible], but not all things are beneficial or advantageous. All things are lawful, but not all things are constructive [to character] and edifying [to spiritual life]."
(1 Corinthians 10:23 AMP)
Your excuse to engage in those activities you love doing may be "lawful, valid, genuine, allowed" but like the scripture says, all those things may not be "beneficial, favourable, useful" to your life and purpose.
Make decisions, friends, habits that moves you closer to your purpose/assignment. Following trends in other to seek approval or accolades at the detriment of your relationship with God and destiny will surely take you off track like Demas; His love for this world took him off.
Please, don't fall in love with life and destiny destroyers no matter how fun, nice, pleasurable or good it may look.
Maintain your life with Christ and be purpose driven. Pay no attention to the world's frivolities, trends, fun and amuzing things. The world wants you to droll all over it. Please, don't give in.
Supposedly, you reading this is already trapped, there's hope for you. God is ever willing to forgive and restore your love and fire for Him.
He's willing to amend the broken life the years of wrong decisions has caused you, no matter the damage.
“And I will compensate you for the years That the swarming locust has eaten, The creeping locust, the stripping locust, and the gnawing locust..."
(Joel 2:25 AMP).
Just surrender to Him in prayers with a genuine repentant heart and He'll recieve you.
God bless you.
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