Arrogance can be perceived. It obviously has an outlook. A person with arrogance can be spotted easily. And that's what you'll find out in today's article.
Let's first look at its origin.
Scripture says that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. So, first of all, I'll love to establish the fact that arrogance is a state of heart.
Whatever you say tells so much about the state of your heart. If you are a deceptive person at heart filled with deception, it will surely reflect on your actions and speech. If you are impure at heart either sexually or morally, one can perceive that from you. So is arrogance.
This is how it works; arrogance comes from the heart, expresses itself through the mouth and ends in action. So, to deal with arrogance, you'll have to deal with the heart which is the origin.
In other to gain more clarity on the outlook of arrogance, let's see what it really means.
According to Oxford dictionary, "arrogance is the behaviour of a person when they feel that they are more important than other people, so that they are rude to them or do not consider them".
This definition resembles that of pride hence, pride and arrogance are synonymous.
Once you esteem yourself so highly above others in a way that promotes disrespect, then you are arrogant. When all you do is brag about your successes and achievements to others a lot, that's arrogance dancing around you. You look down on people and talk to them with utmost disrespect probably because you have or know something that's puffing you up or none at all, that's arrogance in its highest form.
You might be thinking, " what about those that are confident in themselves and proud of their feats in life, they talk about it not necessarily to be rude or to show it off but they possess a genuine confidence in themselves to carry out a task?
Learn this truth: there is thin line between confidence and arrogance. That is why confidence is often misinterpreted as arrogance and if not careful, they both can be mixed up. However, there's still a difference between confidence and arrogance, which takes me to the next outline.
⏩ Arrogance is a negative attribute, while confidence is a needed quality. Every individual must posses confidence to achieve much in life because it enhances productivity in a person. If you don't believe in yourself, you won't be able to explore your potentials. You'll end up doing little things or nothing at all.
⏩ An arrogant person can't be teachable and gets easily offended and angered when corrected or reproved, while a confident person though he/she believes in himself appreciates corrections from others and moves on without an inkling of grudge.
⏩ Arrogant people are always right in their own eyes even when the truth is obvious to them. Confidence doesn't blur sights to the truths and facts. It allows a person see his/her wrong and makes necessary amendments.
Being confident doesn't affect basic good qualities of a person. One can be confident and still be so humble and teachable. It is quite the opposite for an arrogant fellow.
Don't be in a hurry to tag a confident person arrogant and vice versa. The few disparities between these two outlined above can help you know their differnces.
Every vile behavior accommodate consequences. There must be an upshot to every awful conduct one engages in. Arrogance which is part of them can't be left out.
Therefore, what are the consequences of arrogance?
⏩ It drives people away from you. Assuredly, nobody loves arrogant people. That attitude alone possesses the ability to chase profitable and right relationships from you.
⏩ It misplaces opportunities. Character, like I always say should be adopted to gain opportunities. Character on its own attracts recommendation for you. It sells the right impression about you to people around you. Be courteous even while confident.
⏩ Arrogance resist men from helping you. Even God Himself resist the proud. James 4:6 says, " God resist the proud..." What does "resist" mean?
It means to refuse to accept someone or something. Hence, an arrogant person won't be accepted by men and God Himself because of his arrogant attitude.
⏩ An arrogant person will fall into the same condemnation as the devil. (1 timothy 2:6).
The devil is the initiator of arrogance. It all began with him. Therefore, anyone possessing such attitude shall end as the devil. Trust me, its not nice at all.
With all these listed, you should understand by now that arrogance takes nobody no where. It only makes its victims despicable and unacceptable.
If you are guilty of this, then you'll have to drop it today and cloth yourself with humility and teachability. Like I said in the introduction of this article, you have to work on your heart first. Learn to be others - centered, being mindful of people's feelings.
Control your lips because arrogance is mostly manifested through manner of speech.
"Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conciet but in LOWLINESS OF MIND let each esteem others better than himself".(Philippians 2:3).Esteeming others than yourself doesn't mean you should think of yourself as inferior or substandard. Even while confident, embrace humility.
Futhermore, you have to genuinely repent of arrogance and put on the new.
If you haven't received Christ, there's no better time than now to do so. It is a lot easier to overcome this by surrendering to Him. He has the grace to help you.
Just say this prayer: Lord Jesus, come into my heart. I received you today as my Lord and Saviour. Forgive me of all my sins as I repent today. I receive Your Spirit and grace to overcome arrogance. Thank You Lord for saving me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
If you made that prayer consciously, Congratulations. You are now born again.
Depend on His grace to enjoy a beautiful Christian life.
God bless you.
Really a blessing
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