At some point in our lives, we just want things to work out for us immediately. Immediate results, immediate success.
Some times, we get fed up by all the delays and want things to play out well for us with an immediate effect beçause we feel others are making it and making it fast while ours are moving with a sluggish velocity.
But most of the times we forget that certain procedures shouldnt be manuevered to acquire the results or success we seek (if it should display genuineness and authenticity). Now, that's where the virtue PATIENCE comes into play.
Yes, patience is a virtue, an admirable one at that. As a matter of fact, if you don't have patience as a person, your life will be flooded with failures, regrets and little or no accomplishments. Don't worry, you'll get to understand how in course of reading this article.
Patience like I mentioned earlier is a quality every human being must posses. If you have no patience, you may be forced to make wrong decisions and actions prior to the one you've chosen at first.
And often times, these diversion of action results in regrettable ends. How do I mean? You may desire to be successful by all means in any field probably in business but because you see others are ahead of you, prospering in it, or because you get tired of waiting and following due process, you decide to take a step against your beliefs, ethics or faith. This will surely land you in regret.
It can be in business, ministry, a plan or idea you initiated. It can be anything. Taking a step you're not mearnt to take will land you in unavoidable regrets.
Impatience is a killer. It speaks one language; intolerance of delays. It doesn't tolerate delays but delights in immediate gratification.
You should not be preyed by it.
One thing I've leant in life is that whatever you hurry into, you'll hurry out of it because capacity wasn't built. And that's why we should learn to follow the processes. And time makes this possible. With time, things come into form and that includes the success you desire in any regard of life. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Also, don't rush it because you see your "mates" or "peers" making it early. You never know what they are doing to achieve the results they get.
You may ask, what if their means of achieving success is genuine?
Just take your eyes off them and mind your own work. Let your focus be committed to bringing to limelight your success not minding that of others. Everybody doesn't have the same purpose or fate. God created everyone of us unique and that includes the time for our full establishment. I know you want to "blow", but friend, pass through process.
Note that process is a series of events or sets of procedures that produce a result.
If you want maximum, effective and lasting results, in your life's pursuit, you'll have to pass through the set of procedures or events in life through time.
Don't be in a hurry to be seen by the world, take your time and build capacity. Like i always say, time brings things into form. Just like a pregnant woman and the baby inside of her.
The day she got pregnant isn't the day she gives birth. The mother and baby passes through a stipulated time for the formation to be complete before a beautiful baby is born.
Unfortunately, some babies today are born premature. However, you need to understand that nobody celebrates a baby born prematured. Some prematured babies doesn't survive. Even if it comes out premature and survives, it doesn't attract the attention the mature baby would bring because the mature is always beautiful and healthy than the premature.
The premature only attracts sympathy and pity but the mature receives celebration and congratulations.
Coming out when its not your time and not passing through due process doesn't effect much. See why patience is important. It is needed to birth something out of the ordinary. Something that's worth celebrating. It is the patience of the mother that keeps that baby till the right time for manifestation.
So don't abort that beautiful destiny, amazing plan, or unique idea(s) by delivering it prematurely else it may not survive which will definitely lead to failure.
Wait and nurture it patiently because congratulations and celebrations will echo around you when its done well.
Do you know the joy a mature baby brings to both the family and others? It will be same for you if you just wait and pass through the process. A beautiful baby will soon be born.
Take your time to invest in yourself and that field you want to succeed in. Read more, invest more, make right relationships, wait on the Lord more, pray more, study more, ask more questions, keep learning, unlearning and relearning, allow experiences teach you and learn from them, and above all, ensure the Holyspirit guides you. All these take TIME but its worth it if you want to build authentic capacity and if you want to last.
Final words; Ensure you grow with time because growth takes time and patience is required for growth to take its full effect. A growing child won't just be an adult in a day neither is it normal for that child to wake one day and start agitating to become an adult. Its unnatural.
So for the fact that that endeavor of yours takes time, consider it natural. Yes, yours may take longer than that of others around you, just remain focused and grow.
Keep striving in your pursuit but with a patient attitude, not in a hurry and it will come out glorious.
"That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and PATIENCE inherit the promises." (Hebrews 6:12)
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