This article is quite lengthy, kindly read through it. You won't regret it. It will bless you.
We all know that the basic definition of ABILITY is the quality of being able or the capacity to do something. It also connotes possessing strength or power.
True right?
Yeah! It is equally true that we all are given a share of this quality – ability to engage in activities – else we would be useless and unproductive. It is by the ability God gave us that we can be able to carry out certain task in every field of life, say mental ability, physical ability, intellectual ability, academic ability, business ability, reproduction ability(biologically), and the list continues.
However, we should understand that there's an ability way higher than that we possess because our abilities have limitations. Yes they do! Humans are not omnipotent. We still posses weaknesses and inabilities admits the abilities we have. You can't possibly do everything as a human. There are humongous amount of things we cannot do, access or engage in because of our limited ability.
For example, you as a person can't run 1,000 km/hr. You can't even move that distance with a vehicle in an hour. It will take a supernatural ability to that as a human.
Samson tore a lion apart with his bare hands, brought down a mighty building that killed multitudes at a spot; that's supernatural ability. The walls of Jericho – as strong and tough as it was – fell flat by just walking round it and blowing trumpets; that's not what a human can do. The sun stood still for Joshua, three thousands souls received Christ in a day, a man came back to life even after 4 days, a man spent the night in a lion's den and came out unharmed, three men was cruising with the fourth Man in the fiery flames without a slight smell of smoke or burn. These amongst the thousands of event that happened in the scriptures shows that a supernatural ability exist.
One thing you should understand by God's word is that your abilities are futile to a certain extent but there's none to that of Christ.
Let me shock you in case you don't know.
Do you know that the power, ability and strength shown to be superior and supernatural works in you as a Christain? Do you know you can DO ALL THINGS, I mean ALL THINGS because His power works in you?
Nothing can be limited or impossible for you as long as you have that understanding and have Christ and His power work in you.
Ephesians 3:20 reveals that God is ABLE TO DO exceedingly abundantly above whatever we ask or think according to the POWER that works in us. This means that the power that wrought great things even beyond human comprehension and apprehension works in you child of God.
Nothing is impossible with you in Christ.
You can exceed limits of men in businesses, academics, finances, marriage, career etc. You can break records of others. Yes you can!
You just have to acknowledge and depend on the Omnipotent One (who can do all things) and you'll end up confessing like Apostle Paul "..I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me" Philippians 4:13.
Just be and stay connected to Christ cause without Him, you can do nothing; He said it Himself. John 15:5.
Its true that you have your own ability but with your peanut ability, you can't amount to anything or yield great results in your endeavors when the Ultimate is neglected.
You can do what you've never done before. You can make great impacts, explosion in business, success in marriage, excellence in academics, unusual fruitfulness and productivity in life, just depend on His ability (power) which actually works in you.
Also note that, having or depending on Christ ability doesn't mean you shouldn't put in your own efforts. You have to work too. Do your part; be it intellectual, mental, physical strength should be applied in making things work. Laziness isn't accepted.
The vine(Christ) and the branch (you) works hand in glove to enable the reproduction of fruits.
Be up and doing concerning that part of your life you desire results and with Christ fully involved, you'll have undeniable and unusual result.
Now, if you aren't born again, its time you get into the family of Christ. This will only take effect in your life if you're in Christ.
Turn from your old ways and go to Jesus. He's waiting with open arms to receive you.
Thank you for reading through!
I love you but Christ loves you more!
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