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Showing posts from February, 2022


Before going into the subject of discourse, I want to share a story with you. I can remember vividly one rainy evening, I stood under a building for shelter awaiting the heavy rain to subside when a man there walked towards me and then engaged me in a conversation with him. While at it, he asked me an intriguing question; "if you were given a hundred thousand Naria, what would you do with it?" Wondering why he asked, i replied, "Well, I would venture into a profitable business with a larger amount of that money then invest on developing my skills (I had skills I wanted to build). He commended my witty response and revealed the reason for asking. According to his statement, he asked a young lady the same question and she said she would change her wardrobe; she would get beautiful clothes,bags, shoes etc or an iPhone. This story amongst others I've heard made me realise that many young fellows out there gallivants without PURPOSE, VISIONS or PLANS for their...


In last week's article, we talked about how to be sexually pure. However, in today's article, we'll be looking at the consequences of engaging in sexual sins and benefits of abstaining from its practices. It is recorded in several books of the Bible the repercussions of sexual sins as well as the benefits of abstaining from it. Chapters of this holy book are packed with stories about those who avoided sexual sins and those who fell prey to its deception. However, it is of great necessity to study and learn from those instances–its stories, as to avoid being caught and trapped in the web of sexual sins. Always remember the scripture holds the requisite measures and standards for pure living. This topic under discourse has caused both physical, spiritual and eternal wreck upon many. That is the reason men should be adamant towards sexual sins and take serious heed against it. Sexual immorality destroys destinies, visions and dreams of men. It causes those who indu...

AVOIDING SEXUAL IMPURITY. How to be sexually pure.

It is very saddening to know that many young individuals engage in sexual immortality/activities. We live in a generation where the practice of sexual sins is fast growing and developing without apology. There are lots of mediums created even through technology that enhances and promotes such vices–the smartphone, computer and various digital technology, making pornography and the likes easily accessible by just few clicks therefore promoting sexual immorality amongst young people even aged individuals. Despite this, the scripture still commands sanctification, that is, abstaining from all form of impurities both sexually and morally. It is God's perfect will that we be chaste and pure sexually. (1 Thessalonians 4:3) However, if you desire to be chaste and sexually pure, you can, irrespective of your past indulgence in sexual activities. It is very much possible and the solution you need is found in the word of God through the Holy spirit. Here are the few measures mapp...


There is a growing trend in the world today especially in Africa,Nigeria among young men and women to change their skin color. The social media, entertainment industries and advert companies has instilled in young people the fallacy of possessing a lighter skin tone as most desirable and acceptable beauty(looks). However, the purpose of this article is to educate you on its consequences and to spur you to appreciate your outward appearance by eliminating the mentality of such erroneous perception about beauty.  Bleaching is the use of products, either chemical agents, pills, injectables and peeling chemicals, to lighten or whiten the skin to achieve an overall lighter complexion. This, however has harmful effects on the skin coupled with the fact that it is wrong to alter your skin color. Why is this so? The human body has a pigmentation agent called THE MELANIN.  The melanin is responsible for the color of the skin as well as the hair and eyes of humans. The melan...