Proverbs 13:20
"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise;but a companion of fools shall be destroyed"
It is quite interesting to know that the scripture exposes various types of influences and how our association; circle can influence us regardless of the kind of influence.
The scripture aforementioned reveals how the people we walk with can affect our lives, behaviors and lifestyles.
"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed".
Whomsoever, you walk,mingle,or associate yourself with can surely influence you, known or unknown to you. If you mingle amongst the wrong set of people, with depraved minds and lifestyles, so will your life be. If you walk with right and positive people, your life will display the same attribute.
Influence has power and that is why it is crucial to observe and be mindful of those around us or those we mingle with as friends and associates.
Proverbs 12:26 (NKJV), talks about choosing your friends carefully.
It reads thus;
" The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray".
Observe what this scripture reveals. It says that anyone who desire to be and remain righteous (good, upright, positive, with integrity) should carefully choose his friends, he is not supposed to mingle with just anyone. Peradventure, he makes associates with the wicked (bad, wrong negative and corrupt), they will surely lead him astray.
Don't think you can change a corrupt person by being so close to him. He might end up changing you. Remember what the scripture says," Do not be deceived: evil communication corrupts good manners~1 Corinthians 15:33.
It is pure deception to think you can easily change a corrupt person. It is the Holy spirit that has the power to do that. Therefore, never be too intimate with such person else you will become like him.
Whatsoever you desire to play out in your life should inspire and teach you the kind of friends you should keep. Your aspirations, targets, goals, dreams, visions should resemble that of your friends. Make friends with like minds, focus and aspirations. Make friends that goes the same path with you because anyone not going your direction is a distraction. Mingle amongst those that sharpens you and inspire you to become better and greater in any desired field. Your life can be colourful or darkened, it all depends on your circle of friends.
You can be godly, righteous, wise, great, right-minded, successful, with reputable conduct and integrity; but it all begins with changing your circle to the set of people that possesses such attributes.
Make the decision to keep good friends this year for a more fruitful and productive life. Separate yourself from that person who only introduces bad behaviors and lifestyles. One who have never impacted you positively and meet people who will sharpen you.." Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend~Proverb 27:17.
Make that decision this year and you will marvel at the positive changes that will take effect in your life.
You become who you mingle with that is why your association matters!
God bless you!
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