"I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing".~John 15:5
The one characteristic of every living being is fruitfulness and productivity, plants and animals inclusive.
It is the orchestrated will and plan of God for every of His creation that possesses life to be fruitful and productive as shown and revealed to us through God's Word.
Therefore, these two characteristics (fruitfulness and productivity) are evidence of a person who has life in him–one who is living. In other words, if your life doesn't replicate this reality in every domain of your life, then its likely that you are merely existing.
The scripture John 15, exposes a truth for everyone that craves to be and remain fruitful and productive in every aspect of life (physically, spiritually, financially, academically, mentally,business-wisely, maritally, etc)
Yes! God's will for you is that every thing about you prospers, yields excellent and abundant results. However, it cannot be a reality without the awareness and acknowledgement of the source– Jesus Christ.
Look at what this scripture says;
"I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing"~ John 15:5.
Jesus, in this scripture, guarantees a much more fruitful,productive life if we stay joined with Him; that connection ought to be present for the production of " much fruit. And He didn't say "little" but "much fruit". That's a lot of benefit for just staying joined with Christ!
Let us analyze the few facts hidden in that scripture:
– You have to first acknowledge, receive and become one with Jesus the vine to bear fruits.
– The vine (Jesus) supplies enough nutrients for the branch (you) for as long as you remain and that keeps you productive. He provides you the wisdom, ideas, provisions, strength, abilities, etc to be proactive in productivity and fruitfulnes.~John15:4.
– To make great and notable achievements in your life multifacetedly, you must be built in and with Christ. " ...For without me, ye can do nothing".~ John15:5c
– God despises unproductivity and unfruitfulness. That's the reason He blessed all His creation that has life; plants,animals and man, with the ability to be fruitful. ~Genesis 1:22, Genesis 1:28.
–Your relevance and prosperity lies with God. You cannot prosper without Him cause He is the ultimate source.~Psalm 1:3.
–The one who does not bear fruit is considered worthless and useless in life; He withers and is burnt like a chaff. ~John 15:6, Psalms 1:4.
Jesus cursed even a fig tree because it was unfruitful. ~Mark 11:13-14;20-21.
Never believe the fallacy from the devil that you can make it on your own, whatever thing it is or thing ventured into. Your ultimate support system and source of help in life is Jesus Christ. Any other source has not shown authenticity. Hook up with Him. Accept Him if you haven't done so. Make Him your friend. Get joined with Him and ensure you both are inseparable by nurturing your relationship with Him. That alone can guarantee and secure you a blessed, productive life forever.
The vine (Jesus) will always be responsible for your life only if you accept and remain with Him. Your destiny will be so colourful after He's done with you.Trust Him this year and beyond and observe how your life will so improve and skyrocket.
If you haven't received Christ, the ultimate source, now is the right time. Just say this prayer;
Lord Jesus, I repent today of my sins and thought of self dependency. I accept you today as Lord over my life even as I trust you with my whole being. Abide in me today even as I pledge my allegiance to you and abide with you. Thank you for saving me in Jesus name, Amen!
Be fruitful and productive now and always in Jesus name, Amen.
God bless you!
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