There are lots of young people living today that are totally messed up with depraved minds and destructive lifestyles. These kind of young individuals grow becoming a nuisance to their various families, organizations– either social or non-social such as the church, school etc and the society at large.
Every thing in life has an origination, a root, a foundation; nothing comes up or exist without a source. In the same vein, personality, character traits and lifestyle of every young individual forms from the pattern or style in which he/she was brought up or trained. However,parents which are solely responsible for raising children are accountable for how their children turns out to be.
Let us look at an illustration from the Bible; Eli and his sons as case study in 1Samuel Chapter 1,2,3. Eli was the priest over the tabernacle of the Lord (1Samuel 1:9). Like their father, hophni and phinehas were also priest in the tabernacle (1Samuel 1:3) but they were corrupt and did not fear God. Their lifestyles never exhibited the life of God neither did they live as they were addressed–as priests. The Bible dictates that were men of wickedness, living a sinful life and also luring men into sin. They were filled with greed and had sexual relations even with the women that served in the sanctuary. They heavily sinned against God even as children of a priest and priest themselves. But inspite of the fact that their father was a priest and being priest themselves, their lives were messed up as a result of inadequate training from their father. Their father neglected his duty over his children,he took the responsibility lightly and casually and it led to grievous consequences, not just on the children but also the entire family and his generations.
Parents needs to learn from the mistake of Eli and focus fully on raising their kids well; in the acceptable style and manner because it requires full attention.
Many parents neglect how their children behave or live as they grow up. They pay little or no attention to what he does, where he goes, his peers and associates, his indulgence or daily activities. Many even encourage and allow their children to live wayward lives; they allow their young girls dress indecent to attract men,encourage their children to keep boyfriends or girlfriends, ignores wrong or illegal behaviors and the like.
Ignoring children and watching them go wayward is very disastrous which will lead to major consequences, not just for the children but the entire family as well, just as in the case of Eli and his sons. Imagine the shame and reproach an untrained and messed up child brings to the family; that happened to Eli. So if you do not want to experience such then do the needful.
Another point to consider is parents allowing other demands or activities outside the home like careers, businesses, ministry etc to displace the responsibility that only parents can adequately perform–raising children rightly.
Learn by the spirit how to strike the proper balance between family and other responsibilities so both sides will not suffer.
A man once said, "No other success can compensate the failure in the home". Eli succeeded as a priest and failed as a parent. You can be very successful in every domain of life but if you fail as a parent,then you have failed greatly. Why? It is because you have failed in a sacred obligation which you will give account of.
Therefore, parent should take heed and take this duty very seriously because it is indeed a serious one.
Finally, dear parents, carefully learn and ruminate on the story of Eli and his sons. Let it remind and teach you how serious and crucial the responsibility of a parent is. Remember you are dealing with premature destinies and you are positioned in that child's life as a care taker to nurture and mature that destiny gloriously. Therefore, teach them the principles of Christ in love and righteousness, provide for both their physical and spiritual needs, engage them in Bible study, prayers, teachings/instructions and wholesome family activities. In this way, they will be channelled the right path and live wholesome lives. May God help you achieve this in Jesus name. Amen.
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God bless you.
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