"There's a way that SEEMS RIGHT to a man but the end thereof is the way of death."
It then occurred to me that there's a huge difference between that which SEEMS RIGHT and that which IS RIGHT.
Let's start by explaining the terms, 'SEEMS' and 'IS'.
SEEMS simply means to appear; to look outwardly; to be perceived as.
The word 'SEEMS' communicates uncertainty or the probability of a case not being hundred percent true when making a description of it.
On the other hand, 'IS' connotes certainty when it comes to making a description or passing across a message or fact. For example, "she seems to be sad" means, by the look of it, she's sad but we're not hundred percent sure. But, "she is sad" makes the statement sound more certain.
Why am i explaining this?
To help you understand that SEEMS RIGHT and IS RIGHT are different.
The Bible says, there's a way that SEEMS RIGHT to a man. And for God to relate this to us through His Word, it means that many of us have decisions we think is right but looking at the destination, it is evident that that path percieved as right is fallacious and destructive (the ways of death).
See what Isaiah 55:9 says:
[9] “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.
Now, the Lord has made it vivid that His ways and thoughts are so far from ours. And if we really say we are God's children, we're to be like Him just as Ephesians 5:1 and Matthew 5:48 says. Therefore, for us to take the way that IS RIGHT, we must adopt God's ways and thoughts. You have to come to a place where His thoughts and will are your thoughts and will, yours notwithstanding.
Remember, the way that SEEMS right has a tragic end; the ways of DEATH. This tells us how fast we must let go of that we THINK is right and do what IS ACTUALLY RIGHT.
There are certain factors that influences the way that SEEMS RIGHT.
The world's system and trends
There's a reason scripture tells us not to be conformed to this world. Its systems and patterns are totally opposite of that of the Kingdom of God. If you conform to it, it is hundred percent certain that you aren't pleasing the Lord. (James 4:4).
Approval from the majority
It is far better for the Lord to be pleased with you than a man to be happy with you. I've seen and heard people compromise on their godly standards and principles because of what the majority says. Even if you're the only one going through the way that IS RIGHT according to God's standards, you're on track. It is better to be mocked and rejected by men than to be rejected by God.
Religious works
It's sad to say that Christians get victimized by these three factors and religion is the most deceptive. Why? That's because you may be thinking you're pleasing God when actually, you're grieving Him. Religion puts you in a very fallacious corner and forces you to believe you are righteous when it is a righteousness coated with self (self righteousness). This is explained in Romans 10:3.
[3] "For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God."
Self righteousness comes when you think living right is by your power. Isaiah 64:6 says our righteousness are like filthy rags before God.
It is God's spirit and grace that helps us, not our might or power. Please, be mindful of this so you don't go through the way that SEEMS RIGHT to you.
Furthermore, another integral factor that needs serious attention is:
Obeying your customized instruction from God.
Even as you have the Bible as a standard for us, we should never downplay on God's instructions to you— personal word from the Holy Spirit to you. God uses us and molds us with customized instructions.
What God finds okay for Brother A or sister C might not be what He wants for you. That's why i called it, customized instructions; it is specific to you. This is why following the majority can be detrimental to you because we all have instructions peculiar to our walk with God and walk in destiny.
Don't joke with God's personal instructions to you by the Holy Spirit.
In conclusion, SEEMS RIGHT is the corrupted version of IS RIGHT because there are many factors that may encroach on it as earlier stated but the way that IS RIGHT is only influenced by God's word and standards.
1 peter 1:23 speaks:
[23] "having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever"
The word is an incorruptible seed and that is what we must conform into for only in this way can the end be eternal life and peace.
God bless you.
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