I'm sure you got all excited stepping into 2024. I did too. It's a joyous thing which we should be thankful to God for.
But in as much as we stepped into this new year, be rest assured that many carried some WEIGHTS alongside them. And no! Not a positive/divine weights in form of a godly or positive burden for Christ or for a postive cause but weights from their bad experiences/past, weaknesses, mistakes, inabilities, etc.
Just see this!
Hebrews 12:2 reveals:
"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us LAY ASIDE EVERY WEIGHT, and the sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us".
First off, understand that you're surrounded by witnesses.
What do I mean?
There are eyes watching you. There are people looking up to you. There are so many that depends on your success for them to succeed. They need your light so they can tap from it to shine theirs.
You may not know this but trust me, there are. And you don't want to disappoint them.
If you think you have no one, you have your family which are counting on you. Your friends too. Even God is counting on you. So, you can't afford to fail them. The above scripture says, we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses we don't see, both those in heaven as a child of God and those here on earth.
You can't afford to disappoint them.
And that is why you have to make them proud by getting serious with your life, your purpose and race that is set before you.
But in other to achieve this, you have to let go of many things. Why? Because it stand as heavy weights to you unknowingly.
To make constant progress, there ought to be nothing pulling you back. If weights are there, you'll continue to have sluggish movements in life and destiny which causes delay and sometimes outright failure.
So please, do yourself and those around you good by destroying some weights as strongholds in your life.
Let's make it practical!
Let go of the person that hurt you, so bitterness doesn't become a weight.
Destroy that fear of the unknown and all doubts about who you are and what God has made you to be.
This limits a lot. I've been there!
Forgive yourself so you don't become your biggest enemy. You may have weaknesses and might have committed a mistake you can't just ignore. Please, forgive yourself else you become your biggest hinderance.
What of your ugly past, dysfunctional background, traumas, toxic relationships, etc., it's time to let them go. They are slowing you down.
And one disheartening fact about this is, the more you give those negative factors and experiences attention by thinking and pondering over it, the more you give life to it. Hence, it magnifies itself making it a stronghold in your life. This leaves you with the feeling of you not being able to overcome it, but it's a lie.
You are more than a conqueror in Christ. (Romans 8:37).
It's only in Christ you can find perfect healing to your scars and an offload of the weights. Only in Him can such imagination be casted down.
"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty IN GOD FOR PULLING DOWN STRONGHOLDS. Casting down IMAGINATIONS AND EVERY HIGH THING that exalts itself against the knowledge of God bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).
Another fact to note about this weight is, it might not be a sin in itself but harmful to you.
It can be in form of distractions or a not-so-wrong activity others engage in. But because it doesn't rhyme with where you're going or your purpose, it takes you off track. This is how men fail subtly. Be careful and focused as not to be victimized.
Apostle Paul said, "all things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. (1 Corinthians 10:23).
Not all things are for you. Remember, eyes are watching and the destinies of others depends on it. Therefore, mind the activities you engage in and the decisions you make. Ensure it correlates with your destiny walk and life's pursuit.
Furthermore, by now, you should know that sin on its own is never beneficial to anybody, even the one wallowing in it.
Sin is a reproach. It destroys and bring a person to ruins. (Proverbs 14:34).
If there's a besetting sin or an addiction you're struggling with, you just need Jesus. Go and cry to Him to deliver you because He holds your deliverance. His truth—Word— (John 8:32) and prayers should be your constant routine.
Lastly, run!
Don't just run, run with the virtue called patience.
Scripture says, "write the vision and make it plain on tablets [on paper] that HE MAY RUN who reads it. (Habakkuk 2:2).
Run with a vision. A person doesn't run aimlessly. He/she runs to either catch up with something/someone or to get to where he/she is going faster. There's always a reason.
And so should your aim for running the race of life be.
First have your vision and aims written out. There should be a picture of where you're going set before you everyday. It helps you run with focus. If you don't know or understand what you're pursuing, you can be easily distracted by other people and external factors. A stated and written out vision guides your focus and promotes consistency.
This is where patience comes in!
Running with patience endears you to be consistent despite how far the journey may seem. Hence, adopt patience for it is a MUST have virtue and will save you a lot.
(I have a book coming up that elaborates on patience and how it so affects your purpose/destiny walk. An entire chapter is dedicated to it. It will be out soon.)
In conclusion, you can't keep up with life and with your pursuit in life when there are WEIGHTS. Even in this year, you can't successfully follow your plans for the year when there are things keeping you back. If there are, I suggest you take a good amount of time (probably a whole day or a week) to closely identify those weights (cause they can be unknown to you or stored in our subconscious) and attack them with the Word, knowledge and prayera until you're free so nothing limits you this year.
You deserve to fly, to win, to achieve more and you can. Just believe, run to Jesus and watch yourself do great things this year.
I've started out mine.
Don't procrastinate yours, start NOW! Grab your book, pen, bible and pillow(smiles) and write everything down. It's time to do extraordinary things with your life with a faster pace.
I pray the Holy Spirit helps you achieve this.
My best wishes!
A joyous and productive new year to you from us.
God bless you.
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