Every human on earth needs guidance. It has nothing to do with age or experience. It doesn't matter if you're young or old, experienced or inexperienced. Do you know why?
That's because knowledge is inexhaustible. You can never know everything. The more you know, the more you realize you don't know.
It is only a fool that thinks he knows enough to carry him his lifetime. Those that keeps learning are the ones that have greater advantage in life. They are the wise ones.
Someone who is willing to learn is a person open to corrections and instructions.
No matter what you know or have handled, there are times you'll make mistakes or need accurate guidance for better results. That's why I earlier mentioned that no one is above guidance.
Have you ever wondered why Jesus ask we christians to be perfect yet some default in it? It's because of this!
How do I mean?
One of the reasons God's word was given to us is for guidance. Same scripture reveals that we must have this guidance manual (God's word) in our hearts so we don't sin against God (Psalms 119:10).
But somehow sin is still prevalent amongst us. It is because the word is not yet imprinted in our hearts. It is what is in a man's heart that makes the man. (Proverbs 23:7).
If your heart is well saturated with God's word, it will play out expressly in your life.
This is the same reason your feet slide.
You don't listen to instructions. You don't take corrections. I don't know why people do this but I'm certain stubbornness and arrogance are the chief executives officers foreseeing this attitude in the person's life.
Like I said earlier, you can never know everything. And the way that seems right to you might not give you the end result you seek. Companies hire strategy team, advisors, or counselors for a reason.
These professionals play an important role in the success of a company. Counselors and advisors help companies make informed decisions about their business operations and strategy. Strategy teams help companies develop and implement plans to achieve their goals. The owners of these institutes understand that they can't achieve the success they want without them (ie professional counsellors advisors and strategy teams).
In addition, those who submit to mentorship and higher-ups aren't stupid. They know they can't gain mastery nor achieve success without mentors and veterans in their field.
Stop thinking that you can be who you want to be on your own and your wisdom alone. That's pride. And the bible says that pride comes before a fall.
"Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18). You'll surely fall if you have deaf ears and an unteachable spirit.
See this too:
"The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide." (Psalms 37:31).
When you have God's word embedded in your heart and have it applied, it is assured that you can't fall. Because first of all, it takes humility to listen. Only a prideful person will hear instruction or correction and still do what he pleases. It is the humble God exalts. (James 4:10).
Be humble enough to take corrections and guidance from others. Also learn to seek help from others. It doesn't show weakness but depicts wisdom.
If there's a hand to hold you when you're walking on a path (any field or endeavor), no matter how slippery it is, you can't fall. Allow the words of others to be extended to you. Ask questions, seek advice, sit and learn. Don't let pride tell you you can do life on your own.
You need Christ and His word as your ultimate guide.
You need mentors.
You need counsellors.
You need advisors.
I'm not saying you should just handpick any you find on the street. No! As you are on the look out for these people, ensure they have lots of wisdom, knowledge and experience to fit.
Don't leave out Jesus Christ on this. Recieving Him introduces the Holy Spirit — the greatest of all counsellors and teachers — into your life.
God bless you.
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