Vessels are called vessels because of it's ability to carry or contain a material or substance like every container would.
But in this case, I'm talking about human vessels created by God to carry an Entity, a Life, a Possibility. Just like every other material vessel, a human vessel should be able to carry something in other to be useful.
The question now is, what do you carry?
Some carries the presence of God while some has their body as a home of demons.
Scripture says, our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit; if you're a child of God, that is. This makes you a vessel of honour because you're a carrier of God's presence for noble and great purposes. But this same body on the other hand can be a den of demons and surely, demonic activities will take place in and around such person because of the aura/atmosphere he or she carries.
Fortunately, a person can determine what type of vessel s/he should be. It all depends on what s/he does.
And I'll be revealing just one amongst the many.
Without further ado, let's look at the responsibility of a vessel. Not just any vessel but a vessel for high cause, noble deeds and exploits. I'm talking of a vessel who has yielded to the Holy Spirit for Him to carry out great purposes on earth that will bring glory to the Father.
Are you a vessel that fits in the above description? Is your life blessing someone? Are you yielded to the Holy spirit and His instructions?
Do you carry the presence of God?
All these are the criteria you must meet to become a vessel unto honour. I advice you take a pause and in a moment check if you're a vessel of God. You can read the rest of the article when you're done.
Now, what's this responsibility?
Yeah, purity!
I know you may be thinking the responsibility of a vessel is long hours of fasting and prayer or intense Word study or going about preaching the Word and doing mighty deeds for God but even as all these are important, it doesn't downplay on the necessity for purity.
Purity I'm speaking of here isn't subjected to abstinence from sexual immorality alone. It is broader than that.
What's the state of your heart? How's your thought life? Is it mixed with a little bit of wrong here and there? Are you found amongst the flock of unclean people carrying out unclean activities?
All these are factors that should be considered to live a pure life and these are what you should examine yourself with when carrying out purity self-examination.
"Depart! Depart! Go out from there, touch no unclean thing; Go out from the midst of her, be clean, you who bear the vessel of the Lord." (Isaiah 52:11).
This scripture has already given vessel bearers and noble vessels a yardstick for maintaining their relevance... Purity!
The scripture is full of insights about a God who loves righteousness and purity and greatly eshews sin. This is the primary purpose Jesus died; to see humanity delivered from darkness, sin and hell and to put them on the path of purity, holiness, righteousness and life.
The Word of God made serious emphasis about God loving His stuffs clean and neat and that includes His own people. God is a "neat" God!
Using Isaiah 52:11 and 2 Corinthians 6:17 as case study, let's explain the demands of purity.
Isaiah 52:11
"Depart! Depart! Go out from there..."
Purity demands you be selective with the places you go or find yourself as a professing Christian.
There are places that automatically taints your identity as a child of God. Places like unrighteous gatherings or meetings that promotes the devil, sin, evil, wickedness or worldliness.
Go out from there, Bible commands!
A vessel unto honour is never meant to be found in unholy places and gatherings.
"...touch no unclean thing..."
Your hands is as important as your heart in this case. The same way God wants your heart clean, that's the same way He wants your hands (and your entire body) clean because obviously, your hands are part of your body which is a vessel.
2 Corinthians 6:17 also has something to say;
"Therefore, come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord..."
Purity demands separation and separation on the other hand demands setting boundaries because we live in a world where there's a mixture of the pure and the impure.
We work with them at our places of work, we have them as classmates and coursemates in school, we have them as partners and customers in business, they're everywhere. What saves us and enable us be separate from them is the decision we make to stay pure and the boundaries we set for ourselves.
Cut down on your activities with them. I know you still have to work with them and all but remember, YOU'RE A VESSEL UNTO HONOUR and vessels of honour are highly selective and careful.
Please do this! It will save you a lot.
Daniel was in a foreign land were other god's asides God Almighty was worshipped. The king demanded he and other young lads that were brought as captives from Israel should eat his food which were offered to idols but Daniel and three of his friends decided they won't defile themselves with it.
This firm decision made them set boundaries. They also took other alternatives that favoured them and helped them stay pure as vessels of God.
That's what we must all do to maintain purity. We strive for it because the world won't make it smooth for you.
And for keeps, know that where you are doesn't matter. Daniel was in a far worst situation because it was the king's order that he eat the defiled meal but by wisdom he maneuvered it. (See Daniel 1).
In an impure world, you need wisdom to stay pure else you'll be the devil's prey.
Let's be careful as to be and remain relevant.
God bless you.
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