If I tell you, l love you, yet my actions doesn't show it, would you believe me?
I curse at you, devise evil against you, always retaliate with hurtful deeds and do all manner of stuff against you, tell me, what will be your thought or action when I tell you I love you?
Assuredly, you'll be full of grievances and anger at the sound of it and you'll ask yourself, what kind of love is that?
But directly or indirectly, that's what many of us practice today even amongst christians.
We say we love our neighbor just as God's word commands yet do lots of unspeakable things against them.
Love is more of actions/deeds than words. Even God had to show His love for mankind by giving Jesus. It's a basic principle which should be seen in your relation with others.
We'll be looking into that now but first, let's see who a LOVE BEING is?
Scripture says:
"And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love and He who abides in love abides in God and God in Him" (1 John 4:16).
God is love hence a superior love Being and those who Identifies himself/herself as God's own should be a love being as well as written in Ephesians 5:12-13;
"Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma."
Now, just like every being has characteristics, a love being has characteristics and attributes which identifies you as a love being. And like I earlier mentioned, there's no love without deeds.
So, what are some of the qualities of a love being.
While reading through Philippians 2:3,4 recently, I understood better that it's not always about me, my interest, my wants and needs. If others around me are suffering in an area I can definitely be of help without helping out even after knowing, then I am a selfish person. It's not always about giving money. There are a whole lot of things that can be given out.
Verse 4 of Philippians 2 says, "let each of you look out not only for his own interest but also for the interest of others."
So many people have burdens that needs be lifted from them, many needs comfort, help with addictions, encouragements with life's challenges, prayers, even your company... there are so many things you can do for those around you. Keeping a blind eye to them is selfishness.
If there's one nature I've seen God build in me, it's patience. Over the years, God brought scenario my way that built and is still building patience in me. Patience with men and in life. No human is a complete angel; everyone with his/her flaws and weaknesses. Having too big of an expectation from others can hurt you. Don't expect way too much from people.
If you indeed love those around you, then you owe them patience because offenses will always come. Even your twin will offend you, it's a natural tendency in humans but love demands you be patient with them no matter the intensity of the wrong done.
If God isn't patient with you, you'd been long dead cause of your weakness. Hence, we must walk in His footsteps. Patience works in collaboration with forgiveness. Someone will always hurt you either consciously or unconsciously, you just have to forgive.
Secondly, as you have been charged to look out for the interest of your neighbor, his wellbeing should be your concern including his spiritual, physical, emotional well being provided its within your ability to handle. And whilst doing that, employ patience.
1 Corinthians 13:5c says love thinks no evil against another. 1 thessalonians 5:15 reveals;
"See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone but always pursue what is good both for you and for all."
Devising strategies and mediums to pay back for whatever done to you doesn't exhibit love. Jesus asked us to love our enemies for this reason because evil will always be done to you. Forgiveness is the way no matter how difficult it may be.
If it's difficult, read up scriptures on love and keep telling yourself daily "I'm a love being". You'll marvel at how you'll conform to your confession in no time.
If you are wronged, tell yourself, "I'm a love being. God is love, I'm in God so I am love." Malice, bitterness and anger will only rub you peace. Infact, you're just harming yourself while the other person walks around free.
Push yourself to do that good inside of you. Push yourself to show love to someone. Your giving (not necessarily money) is needed to edify, comfort and strengthen someone close to you.
Do you know your love nature (acts of love) can win a soul to Christ? God wasn't sentimental with His love. That's why He died for all.
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