The world in which we live comprises of varying culture structures; every nation or tribe with its uniquely different cultures.
Culture is simply the custom, belief, behavior of a particular group of people that is passed down from one generation to another. It includes language, music, food, fashion (dress pattern or attire) and even family structures.
An example of the diversity of cultures is this:
In east Asia, it's very common for multitude of generations to live together under one roof but individualism is very common in west Asia where adult children move out from their parents.
That's how different cultures can be.
But today, I'm talking about a divine culture. It is the CULTURE OF THE KINGDOM.
Only those that identifies themselves with Christ, His ways and His kingdom are eligible to bear that identity.
Just like I earlier defined, culture has to do with the behavior/custom and beliefs of a group of people. So, as citizens of the kingdom of God who has genuinely recieved Jesus, we have a pattern of doing our things. These patterns was instituted by God Himself which He relates through His Word and guidance of His Spirit.
So, what is our culture?
Our belief: The word of God and the finished works of Christ. (2 Timothy 1:13).
Our custom/behavior: Holiness/Righteousness. (Ephesians 4:24).
Our language: Speaking in other tongues (tongues of the spirit) and Prayer. (1 Corinthians 14:2).
Our food: The word of God and doing the works of Christ. (Matthew 4:4).
Our fashion/dress pattern: covering up in modesty and the whole armour of God. (1 Timothy 2:9-10, Ephesians 6:11).
Our music: Holy Spirit inspired and driven songs.(Ephesians 5:19)
Our family structure: Love and oneness. (1 John 4:7-8).
Our identity: Saints. (Ephesians 5:3-5).
Each of these culture patterns are topics of their own to be discussed but I'll be elaborating on family structure as it relates to tribalism and racism.
There are lots of scriptures that talks about the christian body being one. Bible always refers to all believers scattered in the face of the earth as being one body and one in Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:12).
But sadly, there are lots of prejudice in the world even amongst believers who believes the same Christ, worships the same God, operate in same belief system, read the same Bible and should live the same lifestyle as one family and culture.
Yes, there are christians who are tribalistic and discriminate amongst other tribes.
I've heard a lot of this:
"I hate the Igbos, they love money too much".
"The ikwerres are too lazy, they are only good at selling properties."
"People of imo state people are flirts"
" The ogonis have too much bitterness. They are flirts and very diabolical.
"Hmmm! Anambra people are money ritualist, they can do anything for money".
These and the many more I've heard about certain tribes in Nigeria has initiated this tribalistic mindset in many and has resulted to segregation, hatred, enemity and violence amongst tribes.
Dear Christian, please God is not a racist neither is He tribalistic. And you are to be imitators of God.
See this:
28]"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither male nor female; for you are all ONE IN CHRIST JESUS.
29] "And you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise." (Galatians 3:28-29).
And John 3:16 says; "For God so loved the world...
"Now tell me, if God is a racist and is interested in only few tribes, He would have sent Jesus to die only for His own (the Jews).
But Jesus paid the debt by His blood for the whole world, for the Jews and Greeks, for Americans and Nigerians, for the Asians and the Europeans. He died for all. And He gave everyone (those in Christ) access to Abraham's blessings not just to Abraham's direct descendants.
See, one of the major reasons there's an obstacle to nation-building and development in many countries especially African nations is tribalism. There's no oneness and unity.
Why do you think the tower of babel succeeded to an extent and why they couldn't continue? Check for yourself in Genesis 11:1-9.
Dear Christian, you are not of the world so why behave like them? We are the ones to put this world together in love not join them to break it.
In many of apostle Paul's epistles, He eschewed the practice of division and segregation in the church and encouraged oneness and unity.
Oneness and unity is one of the reasons the church in Acts of the apostles prospered and progressed so greatly. Now, we're letting tribalism and racism creep into the church which has never and will never be God's will. It distorts love and introduces bitterness, hatred, segregation and resentment.
We are to love and spread the love of Christ cause it's our culture.
Additionally, if we want development, growth and progress, then we must abolish segregation and discrimination amongst ourselves in the name of tribe and race.
"He's not part of my people so I can't do anything to help him.
"She's black and a woman, so she can't have that contract".
"He's not a member of my church, so I can't help him". Ah!
That's so wrong. It doesn't exhibit the life of Christ one bit.
Please, let's live like who we profess to be and influence others.
Let's love everyone and love equally just as Christ does whether they're Igbo, Akwa Ibom, indian, Mexican, a black, or a white. Let's not continue this wrong pattern some of our leaders and fathers are making.
May God help this generate to set the standard in Jesus' name.
If you're not genuinely part of the Christ family, bring yourself into this fold by genuinely accepting Jesus into your life. That's the condition to be part of the blessing and eternal life.
God bless you.
Hmm... I'm really blessed. I wonderful piece
ReplyDeleteI'm glad it blessed you. All glory to God.