This is when your gaze has been shif1ted and your focus on Christ and His purpose has been marred. It is as a result of allowing other things asides your purpose and assignment seduce you in other to arrest your attention. And by doing that, it causes you to be myopic or even worst, blinded to your visions.
Samson was a victim of this. Delilah was his distraction which stole his vision and as a result, led to his downfall.
Never let anyone or anything steal your focus from Christ. It starts little by little in reduced commitments. It might be too late before you even realise how far you've derailed.
And in regards to your purpose, never look at the purpose of others. It may result in envy and blindness to yours. Adopt deafness and blindness to others. Let yours be your focus.
1 John 2:15 says, "Do not love the world neither the things that are in the world..." This scripture reveals the three systems that depreciates the love of God in our hearts.
The lust of the flesh: It causes you to be driven by the sinful desires of the flesh; to live your life fully dominated by your senses which is against God's will.
The lust of the eyes: It is the inordinate desire for outward show of materialism; desiring everything your eyes look upon. New dress, new car, etc.
The pride of life: It is the attitude of self sufficiency and boast in your material acquisition. It is taking pride in the material possessions you've acquired and stored for yourself.
If you are however, subject to these world systems, chances of falling off God's will and purposes are high.
Walk by the spirit. That's a sure way to not satisfy your sinful nature. (Galatians 5:16)
Furthermore, learn to be content because contentment as the Bible says, is great gain. (1 Timothy 6:6)
It is the lies you are told, either by people or the devil. Deception is one of the greatest weapon Satan uses against God's children for them to go against God and His ways unknown to them.
That is why every Christian should have God's word imprinted in their hearts as not fall into error. Know God's word generally and personally. Ensure you know your orchestrated path, have it confirmed and remain in that place of purpose and assignment unshaken.
Do not move unless you hear otherwise, strongly confirmed by higher ups (mentors, fathers and trusted spiritual advisors), so you won't miss it in life.
I know sometimes, we tend to hear God but that's why spiritual coaches and mentors are brought our way; to guide us. Those God placed above you to guide you won't mislead you unless such one isn't spiritually sensitive enough. If He isn't, then he's not fit enough for that position in your life. But if he is, please listen and obey his instructions. They are like God's mouth piece and shield over your life.
Always seek counsel and prayers from your spiritual father or mentor concerning important scenarios in your life. Ensure they're always involved because on your own, you can be hearing things.
In 1 kings 19:11-12, the Lord wanted to speak to Elijah. The Lord passed by him which aroused a great wind that tore the mountains, an earthquake that shook so loudly and a burning fire but the bible says that the Lord was not in any of those. Elijah was patient enough to wait for a confirmation (a still small voice).
Sometimes, our problem is impatience. We want it to happen fast. We want to hurry God and have it our way, at our own time but that's a grave mistake. You're seeing and hearing mighty winds, earthquakes and fire and you're like, "this is God". No, it doesn't always work that way. Sometimes, it's just mere noise not God. So please, take it slowly. Don't be in a haste to hear.
You can linger that major action or step you want to take and get well affirmed before venturing into it.
Even the devil can come like an angel of light to deceive you into believing he is the light. If you're not careful, you'll end up destroyed before realizing it. Use God's word to scan everything that wants you to buy its fallacies or ideologies.
Ask yourself questions.
Is what I'm hearing or what this person is telling me in alignment with God's word?
Will it take or lead me to fulfillment?
Does my flesh and selfish desires have a share in what I'm hearing?
These and more are the questions we should ask ourselves continually in other to avoid walking into error. No wonder keeping ourselves in check is very important as a Christian because you can be erring and not know it.
This also is the reason we should have mentors and spiritual fathers above us because they have more experience and knowledge than us. Even if you wield more spiritual prowess or you operate under high grace than your mentor so to speak, it doesn't count off the years of experience they've had nor the level they've gotten to in spiritually related matters. Never, never, never downplay the role and presence of a spiritual covering or mentor in your life.
Disobeying them because you feel you're more knowledgeable is the beginning of your failure. Honour every word they speak because it is like God speaking.
Remember Saul, the first king of Israel. Remember how he ended. He died unfulfilled because of one disobedience to his spiritual covering, Samuel.
Samuel anointed Saul king over Israel which asserts that Samuel was Saul's spiritual father and mentor but he became too familiar with Samuel and disobeyed the instruction given by God to him.
That was how destruction fell on him. Never you go against your spiritual covering or be too familiar with him. You're heading for a fall by doing that.
I don't know why I'm still emphasising on the essence of a mentor. I believe God is speaking to you. So please, get the message.
If perchance, you don't have a mentor, then I'm sorry to tell you this; your life is already in shambles. A man or woman without a spiritual covering or mentor won't go far in life. Such person will be so open for the devil to prey on and make ruin because he/she has no guide, no covering, no instructor.
Get yourself one. Allow God lead you under a good spiritual covering and mentor. Don't just choose any because he's popular or draws crowd. I personally discourage that because this man of God may not know you directly. He can't monitor your growth, strengths and weaknesses. It has to be someone who you can have access to, learn and receive from.
Someone who can rebuke and correct you in the area of your weaknesses and encourage you in the area of your strengths. That's how you grow. Very important!
Apostle Paul, for example was a great spiritual mentor to his sons because he had access to them and they to him. Amongst the many are: Timothy, Luke, Titus, Demas (though he left).
I strongly advocate you have a close mentor.
Additionally, be guided as not to fall into hands of predators in the name of pastors. Be vigilant enough. Study their fruits like Pomologists– those that study fruits– with the word of God as study guide to help you.
Pray about it. Ask God to lead you to the right man of God.
In this way, you won't be victimized by ravaging wolves in sheep's clothing looking for destines to devour. Lions that seek lives to devour are everywhere. Be vigilant. (1 Peter 5:8)
About Demas; a steward under Apostle Paul, his case left me enthralled. In Colossians 4:14, Demas was with apostle Paul, serving faithfully under him but in 2 Timothy 4:10, Demas left him.
It is because of the same thing I'm discussing in this article; Love of the world, shifted attention (Distraction) and deception. This is very deadly for Christians.
"For Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world, and has departed for Thessalonica...." (2 Timothy 4:10)
He didn't guide his heart enough. He let the pleasures of the world seduce him which made him switch lovers. Apparently, the satisfaction and the so called love this world offers cannot be estimated to that the Lord gives. But Demas gave in– he lost his vision, his focus and his love for God – and was out for a fall. He fell out of purpose, totally exposed for the devil to destroy. What a tragedy!
Unfortunately, many Christians today are choosing the path Demas followed because of worldly gratification with the distractions that hit them as they pursue it.
May God keep our love for Him and focus on Him ever strong in Jesus' Name.
In case you've missed it, this is what you need to do to get back on track and remain in purpose.
• Pray for mercy and return to your first love. (Revelation 2:4-5)
• Have your stolen vision restored through prayers.
• Get your eyes and gaze fixated on Christ and His business. Let your mind be on Christ and not on this world. (Colossians 3:1-2)
• Walk your lane.
• Study and pray more.
• Do everything that builds and grows your relationship with God.
• Grow in holiness.
• Have a good mentor and healthy clique of friends.
• And always keep yourself in check with God's word. This will help you monitor the state of your soul and help you detect the position of your stand with God. (1 Corinthians 10:12)
Note: Your destiny must be priced by the devil as to pull you off track. Even Jesus was faced with this in the wilderness and several occasions.
And guess what? The devil used exactly the things of the world in 1 John (lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and pride of life), each of them as temptation against Jesus. (See Matthew 4:1-11). Hmmm!
Satan's tactics never change only repackaged. Be careful not to exchange your glorious destiny with peanut Satan has to offer.
Make a U turn now if you've missed it. Don't wait. There's no time.
Drop whatever gadget you're using to read this article and cry to the Lord for mercy and restoration. He'll hear you.
If you are not born again, you have to repent of your sins and consciously confess Christ as your Lord and Saviour because that's the first step to enjoy fulfillment of purpose.
Just say this prayer of salvation: Lord Jesus, come into my heart. I receive you today as my Lord and Saviour. Forgive me of all my sins as I repent today. I receive Your Spirit and grace over my life.
Thank You Lord for saving me. In Jesus' Name.
If you made that prayer consciously, Congratulations. You are now born again.
Now, live your life righteously and purposefully.
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You can read my previous article titled "WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE?" here @
God bless you.
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