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Showing posts from April, 2022


Youthful exuberance manifests in young people mostly between the ages of 15 and 25. It is within this age frame that young people tend to show the exuberant emotions. Now, what is the meaning of the word YOUTHFUL? Youthful simply means young and lively. A youth is someone that possess the attributes of livelihood and energy. Exuberance means very high spirited; extremely energetic and enthusiastic. Therefore, youthful exuberance is a kind of emotion that shows signs of livelihood, energy, vigor and enthusiasm. This kind of emotion is found amongst young people. I am a young person, so I can relate to this. They have this tendency to do new things, go new places, test varieties of lifestyles and trends and when they do this, they do it hard ensuring they derive pleasure from it. Now understand this,  The youthful stage is the stage of every growing being (human) where the energy to provide and elevate his future and harvest fruits from his labour later on is abundant. Whe...


At some point in our lives, we just want things to work out for us immediately. Immediate results, immediate success. Some times, we get fed up by all the delays and want things to play out well for us with an immediate effect beçause we feel others are making it and making it fast while ours are moving with a sluggish velocity. But most of the times we forget that certain procedures shouldnt be manuevered to acquire the results or success we seek (if it should display genuineness and authenticity). Now, that's where the virtue PATIENCE comes into play. Yes, patience is a virtue, an admirable one at that. As a matter of fact, if you don't have patience as a person, your life will be flooded with failures, regrets and little or no accomplishments. Don't worry, you'll get to understand how in course of reading this article. Patience like I mentioned earlier is a quality every human being must posses. If you have no patience, you may be forced to make wrong de...


You're on a quest to get a crown (your aspirations, life goals, purpose, mandate etc) but now you're downcasted, you're fed up, it looks like you have no hope, it looks to you that you're not making progress and you feel like giving up.  Wait! Before letting depression, discouragements and weariness stop you, read this article and get revived. I was once like you. Unmotivated and discouraged in someway. It looked to me like I wasnt making any progress in life all round and i continuously compared my achievements to other people's success especially my age mates. I kept counting all God hasn't done. Now, that's bad.  Thank God the Holy spirit opened my eyes to understand what I wasn't able to. And I want you to understand it too if you're guilty of this. First of all, I want you to understand that you should always put on an optimistic attitude as you pursue your dreams and visions. You are heading towards your crown, your reward right? Th...


This article is quite lengthy, kindly read through it. You won't regret it. It will bless you. We all know that the basic definition of ABILITY is the quality of being able or the capacity to do something. It also connotes possessing strength or power.  True right? Yeah! It is equally true that we all are given a share of this quality – ability to engage in activities – else we would be useless and unproductive. It is by the ability God gave us that we can be able to carry out certain task in every field of life, say mental ability, physical ability, intellectual ability, academic ability, business ability, reproduction ability(biologically), and the list continues. However, we should understand that there's an ability way higher than that we possess because our abilities have limitations. Yes they do! Humans are not omnipotent. We still posses weaknesses and inabilities admits the abilities we have. You can't possibly do everything as a human. There are humongo...