I grew up with the desire to be great especially after i came became born again. Whenever i see individuals on the platform of greatness, it ignited more fire on that desire. And just like me, I strongly believe you desire to live a great life; a life of destiny.
One natural craving/desire of any human being is SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT; to engage in something worthwhile, to be known for a cause. Let me rephrase that; TO SERVE A CAUSE. Now, this is where I'm driving home my point... SERVICE.
You want to become great, right?
Wait a minute! Before we discuss that,
Let's look at what greatness means.
Greatness refers to the quality of being exceptional, outstanding or remarkable in someway through character, achievements/accomplishment, leadership(inspiring and influencing others), and resilience/perseverance.
According to the definition, greatness is first a quality, which means that not everyone will attain it. This is a sad but true fact. Not everyone will be outstanding, exceptional or remarkable in life.
Because it comes through character modification, accomplishments of feats in any life's sector, inspiring and influencing people, diligence, consistency and perseverance. It truly requires conscious effort and work.
But having stated these qualities as prerequisites for greatness attainment, a crucial ingredient is missing out. I've rather noticed that this missing ingredient isn't well elaborated in gatherings and conversations revolving greatness.
I can't deny the fact that those qualities are all needed in this journey but this ingredient shouldn't be poorly treated as it is.
To see how important this simple principle is, Jesus Christ Himself taught His disciples about it.
See this:
42 "Jesus called them together and said, “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them.
43 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,
44 and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.
45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:42-45).
Jesus had to clear off the wrong mindset of leadership and greatness as His disciples thought. Jesus was trying to say in verse 42 that greatness isn't about 'lording' or 'exercising authority' over others as the Gentiles see it(the Gentiles is a typology of the world).
Rather, you as a child of God who lives in and under a different system (of God's kingdom) should bring himself/herself to SERVE. "...Must first be a slave of all" according to Jesus. And He used Himself as an example.
A slave in this context is not about letting people treat you as they'd treat a slave or allow people use you. It's about giving your life for serving God's purposes and improving/contributing positively in people's lives.
Service however, is that necessary ingredient we must never let out on this journey of greatness. Service demands your time, resources, mind, consciousness...literally everything for the promotion of the cause you're set out to serve.
This calls for selflessness and humility.
You have to build these two qualities if you must give yourself to service.
Service must'nt be just in the church setting or volunteering yourself for social acitivities. It cuts across every area of your life you desire to be OUTSTANDING, REMARKABLE AND EXCEPTIONAL.
In the business sector, you have to humble yourself well enough to learn and possibly be of benefit to those ahead of you in other to succeed. No human likes a prideful and self conceited person-even they themselves. Hence, you must exhibit teachability and lowliness to shine, not the other way round.
Like I said, it cuts across all sectors of life; in academics, business, ministry, etc.
In addition, using your expertise (your skills & talents, profession & career, business establishments, educational prowess, ministerial abilities, etc) to serve God and humanity is ultimate.
Jesus came to the earth not to be served but to serve the purpose of His Father and humanity. (Mark 10:45). Also see Philippians 2:4-8.
And what did bible say that His service resulted to?
To be EXALTED and given a NAME that's above ALL names. (Philippians 2:9)
To be sitted at the right hand side of God and given ALL Authority. (Matthew 28:18) and many more.
That was the reward of His selfless service. The greatness you seek is in your service to God & His purposes and positively contributing to humanity.
Besides, relevance and significance comes from servicing or impacting a generation with either a product, innovation, skill, intellect & wisdom or talents. The blessing comes in you being a blessing. That's how it works.
So, while you apply other principles in your pursuit to greatness, ensure this SIMPLE PRINCIPLE is highly practiced to scale greater heights.
I pray the Holy Spirit helps you through this journey.
If you haven't surrendered yourself to the Lordship of Christ, you can't harness all there is to YOU as intended by God for your life. Accepting Him is the beginning of true greatness. Accept Him today and watch how He'll make a miracle out of you.
God bless you real good.
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