I recently got an understanding of the book of Proverbs 14:12 by the Holy Spirit. "There's a way that SEEMS RIGHT to a man but the end thereof is the way of death." It then occurred to me that there's a huge difference between that which SEEMS RIGHT and that which IS RIGHT. Let's start by explaining the terms, 'SEEMS' and 'IS'. SEEMS simply means to appear; to look outwardly; to be perceived as. The word 'SEEMS' communicates uncertainty or the probability of a case not being hundred percent true when making a description of it. On the other hand, 'IS' connotes certainty when it comes to making a description or passing across a message or fact. For example, "she seems to be sad" means, by the look of it, she's sad but we're not hundred percent sure. But, "she is sad" makes the statement sound more certain. Why am i explaining this? To help you understand that SEEMS RIGHT and IS RIGHT are diffe...
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