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Showing posts from January, 2024


I believe in destiny helpers so much! When the Holy Spirit gave me an understanding of what destiny helpers is truly about, I became mindful of many things of which needed to be worked on in my life. I know your mind might be picturing a rich relative or a person with affluence coming your way. But No! It isn't. We've made this mistake of limiting a destiny helper to a rich man/woman with connections. It's a misconception we've nutured for a long time which has affected our minds.  Infact, when we're asked to pray for a destiny helper, our mind pictures people of substance and wealth to come our way or we picture a person with lots of connections that can give a one in a lifetime opportunity. No! It's much more than that. A destiny helper might not be rich. Infact, a destiny helper might even be in same or lesser financial state as you. It may sound funny to you but it's the truth and I'll give you some examples. In the bible, who was noami t...


I'm sure you got all excited stepping into 2024. I did too. It's a joyous thing which we should be thankful to God for. But in as much as we stepped into this new year, be rest assured that many carried some WEIGHTS alongside them. And no! Not a positive/divine weights in form of a godly or positive burden for Christ or for a postive cause but weights from their bad experiences/past, weaknesses, mistakes, inabilities, etc. Just see this! Hebrews 12:2  reveals: "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us LAY ASIDE EVERY WEIGHT, and the sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us". First off, understand that you're surrounded by witnesses. What do I mean? There are eyes watching you. There are people looking up to you. There are so many that depends on your success for them to succeed. They need your light so they can tap from it to shine theirs. You may not know thi...