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Showing posts from September, 2023


We all are vessels but the one thing that differentiates us is what's in us as vessels. Vessels are called vessels because of it's ability to carry or contain a material or substance like every container would. But in this case, I'm talking about human vessels created by God to carry an Entity, a Life, a Possibility. Just like every other material vessel, a human vessel should be able to carry something in other to be useful. The question now is, what do you carry?  Some carries the presence of God while some has their body as a home of demons.  Scripture says, our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit; if you're a child of God, that is. This makes you a vessel of honour because you're a carrier of God's presence for noble and great purposes. But this same body on the other hand can be a den of demons and surely, demonic activities will take place in and around such person because of the aura/atmosphere he or she carries. Fortunately, a person can de...


I seldom see or hear that God's ways and thoughts are in sync with that of man's. They just contradicts each other. Do you know why? That's because of the fleshly, natural tendency of man and he will always want to satisfy it. Scripture reveals, "For the flesh lust against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are CONTRARY to each other..." (Galatians 5:17). Man's ways and God's ways are just different because the heart of man is desperately wicked and out of its abundance the mouth speaks. That's another prove. This is only an exception to those who are recreated in their spirit man and has allowed their entire being to be influenced by the Holy Spirit including their heart, will and emotions. That's the only individuals that can have the same mind with Christ. Why am I saying this? I came across an interesting scripture that birthed this article's title. Let's see it together! 59] "So it was on the eighth...


Psalm 23 reciters!!! I know pretty well you can recite the 23rd chapter of Psalm without stuttering, even in your sleep. We recite it like an anthem during or after prayers. Nevertheless, your tendency to recite it accurately might obstruct you from reading meaning into it carefully to actually get blessed by it. With that chapter in view, we'll be looking at the GOOD SHEPHERD AND HIS NEEDY FLOCK explained in bits . I've never heard nor seen a sheep thriving without its shepherd or loitering around the streets all by itself, unlike the goats. They are one creatures that need an eye to watch over it, a hand to tend it, a staff to guide it and a rod to protect it. Let's look at  THE GOOD SHEPHERD. HE KNOWS YOU "I am the good shepherd; and I KNOW MY SHEEP, and am known by My own." [John 10:14] The good shepherd (Jesus Christ) knows you just as a good shepherd knows all of his flock and how many they are. He has the ability to identify every one of them in...