Last week, I expounded on sowing and reaping. And like in every other segment of life that promise returns to whatever that is sown, Holiness and corruption isn't left out.
Refreshing our memory on last week's blog, I quoted a scripture. Galatians 6:8; "For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life."
Based on this scripture, it is clear that what you sow into gives back to you, just as the soil gives back a tree from a seed planted no matter how little the structure of the seed is. It must surely return something bigger.
In the same vein, when you sow sin to your flesh, your same flesh gives back to you corruption.
When you sow to the spirit, however, the Holy Spirit embodies it and gives you, not just Holiness but everlasting life.
Without further ado, let's look at HOW TO SOW INTO YOUR SPIRIT.
For ages now and even in the christian body, many have built upon the fallacy that Holiness is too difficult to attain.
If you really love your Father in heaven, cherish your kingdom citizenship and decide in your heart to please God and reflect the kingdom culture, living a holy life will be a breeze for you; with the help of the Holy spirit, of course!
(You'll be wasting time if you're doing it in the flesh or by your human strength).
I need you to first understand that the moment you give your life to Jesus Christ, your spirit man becomes reborn/recreated and given the very life of God. That's why scripture says whoever is in Christ is a new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17). The spirit man is the new creation.
However, the same Bible also says, "work out your salvation with fear and trembling." (Philippians 2:12)
"What salvation again?" You may ask.
It is that of the soul and body. Especially the soul. We have to work daily to ensure our souls are transformed as Romans 12:2 entails and then put our bodies under subjection as 1 Corinthians 9:27 reveals.
The flesh needs to be subjected and controlled, the soul, on the other hand needs renewal. It's now your responsibility to see that that work is carried out because God has done His part by recreating the main man (your spirit man).
"Work out your salvation...." You have to put in daily efforts to see that your recreated spirit man that has the actual life of God is in charge alongside the HOLY SPIRIT indwelling you as a Christ believer.
How do you do that?
Engage in spiritual activities.
Not by rituals, religion or traditions. No! But by the leading of the Holy Spirit. The HOLY SPIRIT plays an integral role in this holiness journey. He's the one that breaths and dwells upon your engagements with Him and brings that beautiful life of Christ in you from the inside out.
Just play your part.
Fellowship with Him.
Study the word of God.
Stay in prayers.
Always be in the gathering of the saints in worship to God.
Preach Jesus.
Consume spiritual materials (books, audios, messages, music, etc) and be separate from the 'defilers'.
You may be reading the word of God, praying, evangelising and all but just by being in cliques of unholy people is room enough to water down all other inputs you've been adding into your spirit.
In as much as you're sowing the right seeds, carelessness or negligence can spoil your efforts.
You have to be mindful of those that influence you, those you call friends and associates. Even though you work with them in your place of work or school, learn to build boundaries and say No to their polluting lifestyles.
Taking this seriously can save you big time.
Take lots of time to invest to the spirit by doing all I earlier mentioned and those I didn't which you're familiar with.
But while doing that, be separate from this world and its unholy engagements and trends. Have nothing to do with unrighteousness and the ways of this world because God hates it. It only speaks of corruption and destruction. Bible says in 1 John 2:15, "Do not love the world or the things in the world, if anyone loves the world the love of the Father is not in him".
The love of this world can draw you away from God totally not to talk of living the God life.
Please, let's be careful.
And while doing that, ensure the Holy Spirit is involved.
This topic is really broad. I wish I could talk deeper on it but this platform is a limited space. I pray the Holy Spirit gives us deeper knowledge on this topic as to help us lead this holy life to the very end.
God bless you real good.
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