True modelling isn't only about positioning yourself as a certain kind of individual people would want to emulate. It is presenting yourself in a way that's not just pleasing to yourself or others but to your Maker (God). Do you know that true modelling is a selfless act? For example, you tell yourself, "I want to be a role model for others to emulate or I am a role model; people look up to me". And then you think it is always about you? No, dear. True modelling is never selfish because you have to let go your personal desires you crave for which depicts or promotes wrong living (unhealthy habits, wrong lifestyle, etc) and put on the acceptable way of living irrespective of how difficult it may seem as a human. Just because you enjoy talking especially against other people doesn't make it right. That's gossip and nobody loves a gossiper. So, you'll have to flip that attitude off the window. My point is, you have to drop every bad life in other...
...channeling young minds and lives the Christ way.