There was once this young man who had a wealthy father with lots of assets and connections. This young man nurtured a desire to leave his father's house, which he succumbed to and decided to get his portion of inheritance from him. His father complied. He gave this young man –his son– his portion. He then set out to another country quite distant from his.
He went there, squandered his inheritance in luxurious living through which he lost everything. Not even a dime was left with him.
In other to survive in that city, He had to do menial and strenous jobs; what he couldn't ordinarily do. He would feed swine and look after animals just to get by and even eat the left overs of the animal's food just to survive the intense hunger.
Finally, he came back to his senses and thought of returning to his father rather than suffering silently. He travelled back home to his father. His father saw his son tattered and looking beggarly but instead of chasing his son back for what he did in the past, he hugged and kissed him with so much joy and excitement, hosted a big feast for him and had him put on the best of clothing just to celebrate his return. He welcomed his son with open arms despite his past wrong deed.
This story looks familiar right?
Yes! It is the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15: 11-24.
Now, why do I tell it?
To buttress my point in this article.
Many of us as God's children always feel that we should run away from God (our Father) whenever we sin against Him or suffer any addiction. Sometimes we feel frustrated when we keep committing a sin or sins consistently and don't deserve to return to God because of the unworthy feeling that emanates within us.
But the scripture has made it explicit that we can always return to God despite the sin committed against Him. This is evident in the story of the prodigal son.
Despite the outrageous offence he committed against his father, he was welcomed joyfully with an open arms as if his father had always been waiting for him.
So you don't have to run away.
I discovered another scripture relating to this subject of discourse which amazed me so greatly.
"Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin."
Hebrews 4:14-15 NKJV
The above scripture says we have a high priest seated with the Father and His right hand and that High priest sympathizes with our weaknesses, which means He is aware of it, He knows it's there in us waring against us and He understands that.
That's because He was in all points tempted as we are but didn't allow it overpower nor overwhelm him and that's why He was without sin.
Remember that Christ came to the earth putting on human form just as we are. Therefore, He was faced with same temptations we face regularly as a human. So it makes sense that Jesus understands that these temptations come at us, He knows that we can be choked with the thorns of sin. Remember He was tempted severally, both those inscribed in scriptures and those not. But thank God He overcame and that is where our victory lies which is the good news.
If He overcame, you can too.
Also, He knows how He escaped all the temptations He encountered as a human, so, he holds the help we need to overcome the temptations, sins and addictions that roars at us on daily basis.
The Bible said we should go BODLY unto the throne of GRACE – Jesus is full of grace– that we may obtain MERCY and find GRACE TO HELP IN TIME OF NEED. (Hebrews 4: 16).
The time of need might be that moment where you can't help but give in to that overwhelming sin or feel that you can't overcome that addiction of lying, theft, immorality, pride, etc.
But the throne of grace holds what you need. Whenever you go before the throne of grace seeking help, you obtain mercy for that sin committed and gets grace to overcome it.
So dearly beloved of God, Its not about running away from Him. That won't work nor help but rather keep you in the pit of perpetual guilt and the feeling of unworthiness.
Whenever you sin against God, run to him not away from him. That's what the prodigal son did. He didn't remain in his past deed but decided to return to his Father.
Now, i don't encourage you keep sinning against God. God hates sin. But peradventure you do mistakely, run to Him immediately with haste unto His throne of grace and receive forgiveness.
If you suffer any kind of addiction or temptation, run BODLY to that throne of grace and receive help.
He doesn't fail. Not even once.
Understand this dearly beloved, you aren't the worst of persons on the earth because of your weaknesses or inabilities. Its inevitable as long as you put on flesh but there's always help for you. Never run from it but always embrace it as you go to Jesus.
The scriptures aforementioned in this article helped me realize this when I had my own issues. They helped me persist in Him. It can for you too. Just ruminate on these scriptures and the Holy Spirit will speak to you and give you more light on it.
God loves you and is very much willing to have you back if you've strayed from Him. He will never condemn you but with a broad smile on His face accept you again.
You can mutter prayers of repentance with a broken heart and you'll be given a warm welcome from Him.
Don't run away.
"Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
Luke 15:10 NKJV
God bless you.
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