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Showing posts from December, 2021


1 chronicles 4:9 And Jabez was more honorable than his brethren, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, "Because I bare him in sorrow". It is my innate desire that children grows aright according to what God has predestined for them to walk in as to fulfill their purposes on earth and bring glory to the Father; their creator.  Therefore, one factor should not be neglected for this to take place and that is the names children bear; names given to them by their parents. 1 chronicles 4:9, talks of a young man with a great destiny; destined for greatness. He was more honorable than his brothers yet his life wasn't really producing sound results because of his name; Jabez.  Meaning "I bare him in sorrow" The name given to him by his mother kept speaking against him. It hindered him from prospering in all things as he should. It somehow affected his destiny.  Without a doubt, this is considered true because I find this as the experience of people ev...


I had a strong urge to share what I am about sharing on this platform after giving it a long thought. I want to sound a very serious warning to every parent reading this article.  I read an e-book titled "Technical virgin", which taught me a whole lot of things.  This book is backed with powerful lessons for all people; for young people, for parents, and christains as well.  However, a particular story amongst the others in this book caught my attention. It is about an eleven years old girl; a child of a pastor, who was molested even without understanding what happened to her. She and her younger siblings were entrusted to a brother in church by her parents before traveling for a church conference. Unfortunately, this young girl was exposed to the sexual life and activities by this man and he slept with her.  She grew wild with so much urge for more experience. That one sexual encounter opened her up to living a continuous immoral life which almost destro...


Undoubtedly, everyone possesses an identity and has a place of origin, same with any man born again. A man born again (born of the spirit–John 3:5) belongs to the kingdom of God;such person has recieved the right and access to God's kingdom therefore possessing an identity as heavenly citizens and becomes representatives of the kingdom of God here on earth.  However, as God's children and citizens of the kingdom, there are set standards we must keep and observe to be truly identified as God's own. These standards are God's standards which are found in His word; they are the patterns and modes of living and it should be well incorporated in our lives and be seen by all even as we live amongst the people of this world.   But there is a mistake many of God's children make and I have seen this mostly amongst young Christians: they compromise the standard. These category of christains try to adjust their lifestyles (godly lifestyles) for several reasons round...