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Showing posts from August, 2023


If you think obedience in humility is foolishness, this article should reorient you and disable that mentality. Oftentimes, I've seen and heard people downplay on obedient folks because they feel the obedient ones are weak and can be trampled on. But that's a big lie they were told. Apparently, obedience and humility doesn't only connote wisdom, it also has massive blessings attached to it. Mind my choice of words... MASSIVE BLESSINGS!  The blessings are, in quote "too good to be true". When I discovered the scriptures that highlighted and opened my eyes to this, I asked myself, "just my willingness to carryout instructions and commands from God has qualified me for all these?"  And then I said, "Favour, it pays big time to be obedient to Christ and I'll keep living it". Not just because I want the blessings but because it's the essence of my being—obedience to my Creator. Without much story, let's look into THE BLESSING...


Times will come in your life when you feel you're not good enough. It happens a lot. But the issue isn't the feeling itself but how you handle it. As you journey through life, it is pertinent you do so with your sanity and your head held up high.  High in confidence of all God has placed in you (believing in yourself) and more importantly, having a high voltage of confidence in God that sparks off tremendous results in and through your life.  Why? Because without it, life will smash you like a ball of potatoes. The world was created as a social place and we created as social creatures was put there by God.  Now, if you don't master the art of understanding your self worth in this social world, where you see a whole lot of people around you doing so well in a field, specialty or portraying certain attributes, depression will invade your life. WHY YOU FEEL YOU AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH That feeling doesn't just come on its own. When you start feeling worthless an...


Yeah, you saw it right! You are a project. An important one at that. The question then is, how are you a project? And who is working on this project?  Scripture says something interesting about this. "But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the spirit of God". [2 Corinthians 3:18] It's as simple and as clear as the scripture said it. You are a project of the Holy Spirit. He is the one that does the work; putting you together, unraveling, teaching, pruning, making adjustments, fixing and repairing, all for one be transformed into the same image from glory to glory.   What image? The image of Christ. That's the project the Holy spirit is on in your life... To bring you into the conformity of Jesus. To look like Him, speak like Him, talk like Him, think like Him, possess same mind with Him. The above scripture says, "...just as b...