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Showing posts from June, 2023


Last week, I expounded on sowing and reaping. And like in every other segment of life that promise returns to whatever that is sown, Holiness and corruption isn't left out. Refreshing our memory on last week's blog, I quoted a scripture.  Galatians 6:8;  "For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life." Based on this scripture, it is clear that what you sow into gives back to you, just as the soil gives back a tree from a seed planted no matter how little the structure of the seed is. It must surely return something bigger. In the same vein, when you sow sin to your flesh, your same flesh gives back to you corruption. When you sow to the spirit, however, the Holy Spirit embodies it and gives you, not just Holiness but everlasting life. Without further ado, let's look at HOW TO SOW INTO YOUR SPIRIT. For ages now and even in the christian body, many have built upon th...


I'm certainly sure you reading this understands the obvious concept of sowing and reaping. And I'm twice sure it has happened to you, one way or another. It's no new thing to you when I say "whatever you sow, you will also reap". It's not just a philosophy, it's not just karma, it's also the Word of God. Delving deeper and comparing it with attaining Holiness, let's look at a popular scripture. "Do not be be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man does, that he will also reap".  (Galatians 6:7) . It is known by this truth and people's experiences that you can't reap where you didn't sow. You can't get a return of something you never invested in. It's a simple law of life. A farmer can't harvest fruits at the end of a season without planting seeds of that fruit prior to that harvesting season. That farmer will be seen as a joke expecting such. And just like that, you can never reap anything when ...


How do you feel when you labour so hard to achieve something only to get little or no result at all? The business you worked hard to build, your career or job you invested so much of your time, the ministry you labour to build day and night or any other pursuit you desire progress and worked hard to see grow crumbles or stays stagnant. All your efforts is yielding no fruit or sometimes, little fruits. It's painful, right? Well, I saw something in God's word that can cause you to see the results you so much yearn for when embarking on your purpose journey or working on an endeavor. It's called DIVISION OF LABOUR. Yes, division of labour is taught in economics but it is in God's word too. In economics, we were taught that division of labor is the assigning of different tasks to different people, which increases productivity and ultimately profits which will eventually lead to economic and monetary gains. Division of labour doesn't only make a large work br...