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Showing posts from January, 2023


I learnt something very new this week which I'll be sharing here regarding my last week's blog. Be patient enough to read through. You'll be glad you did. It was earlier this week I realized that deliberate work is necessary in whatever you're doing to acquire results but it is totally incomplete without a paramount ingredient we should learn about. Reading through the words of  DELIBERATE WORK (last week's article), I discovered that it's passing across an incomplete message. So, what actually is missing? THE HAND/HELP OF GOD There are determined people with discipline, intelligence, strength and all littered everywhere but yet not all of them acquired all they've envisioned for themselves (or others) nor did it work out as planned for them. Why? Because they're failing to acknowledge a supernatural help they need. I just pity folks who downplay the essence of Christ in their lives or neglects Him altogether. It's not just because He gi...


Great things happens to the deliberate ones. Those who are intentional about their life and every sector of it. I know you reading this have come to a level of understanding about this key principle of life; You have to prepare for opportunities. You have to be intentional about life to have the results you want. It can't just fall from the sky because of your mere desires. This is 2023, a new year. Many are set to start anew. Many are preparing themselves for success in their lives. And many, even before now, have started working out on their new year plans and resolution. Now, I want you to watch carefully those people, in case you have such one close to you or around you. Observe them and you'll discover that those ones (those that choose to be deliberate in their plans and aspirations) will actually make heads way in their pursuit. You'll see continuous progress in their lives. You'll watch them make advances and speed you never thought of. All these hap...