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Showing posts from December, 2022


It's exciting to know that we're wrapping up with 2022. The new year is around the corner, just a few days from now. We are thankful that we're alive to know this excitement. You're supposed to be excited because not everyone who began the year with you is alive today to have this experience. So we thank God for that privilege. And we'll live to see the upcoming year and all it promises. Now, speaking of what the upcoming year promises, have you asked how you can get into those promises? Cause I know you're really expectant of a better year than this one. By the way, what does the new year really promise? Can you be able to tell? Well, if the year promises something, it should be beautiful and exciting cause assuredly, it promises good things your way. And if it does, how can it be harnessed, maximized and used for your advantage? How can you avoid being disadvantaged and victimized as you probably were this year and the past years? Well... I have so...


"Experience is the best teacher" is a saying we hear a lot especially from elders or those who are products of their experiences either good or bad. My aim here is not to argue that popular saying but to propose to you that experience shouldn't always teach you before you learn. Experience is the collection of events and/or activities from which an individual or group may gather knowledge, opinions, and skills. In other words, experience is a feeling or process you undergo that gathers for you knowledge, opinions and skills. This is true and acceptable but I frown at one thing; it being expressed as the BEST. It isn't entirely the best teacher.  Sometime ago, I randomly heard an interesting quote from someone. It says, "If experience were to teach you everything you need to learn in life, you might get old and die before learning everything".  Yes, we need experiences to afford us better opportunities as they are prerequisites for being chosen fo...


Not everyone who is youthful is useful. Yes, I said it. It is what you do with and in your youth that will tell if you're useful or not. Or at least, will be. If you happen to sit and interview a few young individuals, you'll discover that many young folks don't have plans, vision or exciting goals for themselves and how they can contribute positively to their generation. That's why they're engaging in stupid things. This is saddening but true. A youth should be known for his/her usefulness.  Why? Because s/he is at a stage of making things happen. Young people are strong, high spirited, risk takers, filled with much vigor, alacrity and audacity. They have this propelling desire to pursue great things and a wild exuberance for adventure. They are blessed with all these, with little or no choking responsibilities. Therefore, if nothing meaningful can be produced from your life as a youth, then there's a problem. That already tells how ugly your future...