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Showing posts from April, 2024


The funfair of life!! You're probably wondering what this article is about. It was inspired by a christian animated film i saw some time ago called, The Pilgrim's Progress. The plot of this film is about the journey of a christian—from a sinner to his salvation process and the kingdom of God (eternal rest). 'Christian pilgrim' being the name of the major character left the old city  destined for doom and destruction to journey to the celestial city paved with streets of gold. I can't possibly tell you everything about the movie here. You can go see it yourself. Trust me, it will bless you as it did to me. But then, i fast forward to the part where 'Christian pilgrim' got to a city called Vanity Fair in course of his journey to the celestial city. In Vanity Fair city, there was a huge funfair going on. It is a place where diverse fun activities and buying and selling never stops. Once a person gets distracted by giving attention to any activity th...


Caleb and Joshua amazed and inspired me so greatly. These young men possessed great qualities that every person should have if they must always scale through life and its hurdles triumphantly.  What they did spurred me in no small way. So, what exactly did they do? Here's the story! Joshua and Caleb amongst other 10 spies were sent to the land of Canaan to spy and bring back report to Moses and Aaron. Sadly, the other 10 spies brought a bad report back to Moses and the entire Israelites.  But that wasn't the main problem.  The major problem was, the same bad report they brought made the entire Israel totally loose their trust in the Lord. Those 10 spies were so blunt about what their PHYSICAL SIGHT told them in a way that down played on WHO WAS WITH THEM (GOD ALMIGHTY). One bad report can deter every ounce of hope or faith you have in Christ or over a challenge. That's why you must be careful of what you hear. Faith cometh by hearing, so does fear. Back to the...