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Showing posts from April, 2023


Dear young one, you're so full of life, so exuberant, adventurous, but with lots of impulses and inexperience. But in as much as you possess much vigor and tendency to do much and explore, you are also vulnerable to a whole lot of passions and lust. Our hormones run (much more in younger folks than the old). That is why young people are the most victimized in terms of decision making and what they do with their lives.  A person who has left his youthful stage will live a more curtailed life because he has learned through experience and his vigorous youthful tendencies has dropped. So, he sees a young person making wrong decisions and tries to impact his acquired wisdom through experience into that young folk so he doesn't repeat same mistake. Don't want to digress much. Let's look right into what this youthful lust is all about. YOUTHFUL LUST ISN'T SUBJECTED TO SEXUAL SINS ALONE. I could literally tell the looks on Timothy's face when he got to the p...


It didn't take long before they realized what had happened after they had their first bite.  " I'm naked, I don't want anyone especially God to see me like this. He may condemn, criticize or judge me." Those were probably the thoughts of Adam and his wife after they disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit.  Upon realization of their nakedness, their instinct quickly suggested they sew fig leaves together to cover themselves up. And as if that wasn't enough, they hid themselves behind the trees in fear and hunger for security, hoping the trunk of the trees and leaves would give the proper covering they wanted.  "...and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden." (Genesis 3:8). In that state of guilt, many are like Adam and Eve. They hide behind trees as a result of their nakedness well known to them. Now, let's look at the significance of NAKEDNESS and TREES . NAKEDNESS in th...


A highly successful person in terms of wealth making, acquisition of possessions with lots of connections and affluence can still be a total failure. Let me rephrase that... You can have so much money and still be a failure though a success to men. Money is not a determinant factor of true success, not even the level of mastery in your field of endeavor can put the "true success" tag on you. So many people in our modern-capitalism world today terms success to be wealth because they feel money can get them every luxury they desire.  That's the reason people are going crazy for money (doing anything just to have it) and forfeiting what should actually be chased which will in turn attract the money they go crazy for. And it is more disheartening to witness how this has tainted even the mindset of christians when in actual, we are the ones that should teach the world what true success is all about.  I'm not trying to connote that money isn't part of succes...